Silver Branch Studios profile picture

Silver Branch Studios

The real keys to success in photography are, honesty and asking yourself, What If?

About Me

For those who want to just chat, drop a hello here; Yahoo IM: [email protected] MSN IM: [email protected]
Thank you for visiting my profile here! If you got a friend invite from me, it was because I read your profile and we either share a similar interest in Art, Photography or life in general. If you wish to add me as a friend I hope we have something of good in common from which to build a real friendship on.
Who am I?
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen,being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead,so that they are without excuse," ~ Romans 1:20
Artist Statement:
The camera and a lens are like the canvas and brushes of a painter, or the clay of a potter. They plead for you to go out and discover something with them. A photographer then becomes part of the splendid concerto of nature, composing various subjects, textures, colors, shapes, forms, and light into a complete composition. An intimate relationship is established when the artist is alone with wildlife, in the calm silence of wilderness or witnessing a breath-taking exhibit of light on a landscape that may only last but a few fleeting moments. It is said that it is only during these moments when a photographer is truly at place where they can only begin to articulate their passion.Nature photography is an infinite art form allowing James to explore his inner creativity as well as be in touch to the world how he sees it. Through photography, James hopes he can increase others' appreciation for the diminishing natural beauty around them. Peering at the world through a lens has taught James how to see without one. However, making images only goes so far in encouraging and showing appreciation for nature. James enthusiastically encourages anyone with a passion for nature to support one or all of the organizations listed on our links page. Everyday someone is maintaining a fight somewhere in the world to protect what they love so dearly, constant threats against endangered species and critical habitat, making many of our own daily activities seem trivial.
You are also invited to see my official website at Nature Photography Naturally

"When I go out into the field the most important question I will have to ask myself is, 'What If?' I think by asking myself that, i open many possibilities for creating new and different image. I don't like to think of myself as a WYSIWYG photographer. For the non-computer geeks, WYSIWYG means, what you see is what you get. I do my best to accurately record the scene before me but then I try to go a step beyond that by manipulating light to intensify color or drama within a scene without adding something that isn't naturally there. While I use filters in my work, I don't use filters that ad something that wasn't there, I work to make the camera record what my eye sees naturally by using filters that correct for the short comings of both digital and film cameras."
I currently live with my family in Colorado Springs and try to get out to create new photographs as often as possible. If you find yourself out my way and would like a guide to some of my local hot spots featured in my website let me know. I would love to meet like minded people who share a passion for the outdoors and photography.

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My Interests

Life, Nature Photography, Photography, Music performance, Music, Art, Graphic Design, Cooking, People

I'd like to meet:

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I would like to meet other photographers and artists of any media that share in the passion for creating or expressing beauty from the raw materials of life. I would also like to meet somewhat like minded people who share in the passion for life and all that it brings.Jesus Christ Ansel Adams Albert Einstien Dorthea Lange Georgia O'Keefe


The Beatles, John Denver, Jim Croche, Goo Goo Dolls, Van Halen, Rush, And way too many others to list!...


Saving Pvt Ryan The Passion Of The Christ Band of Brothers Road to Purdition End of the Spear The Postman Dances With Wolves Wind Talkers ...


This looks like I watch a lot, but really I channel-surf aimlessly.Emeril Live Alton Brown's Feasting On Asphalt Iron Chef LOST The Amazing Race Survivor Discovery Channel History Channel (aka- The Propoganda Channel) The Food Channel American Idol So You Think You Can Dance...


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Jesus Christ My Wife Our Kids My Parents My Grand Parents

All My Fellow Uniformed Brothers & Sisters Serving in the US Military around the world! The Guy Who Invented Coca Cola The Guy Who Invented M&M's

My Blog

Making the Most of Watherfall Photography

What is it about moving water on film that is so captivating? I guess to answer that, you would have to first look at the qualities of water that are so attractive then put it into motion. For us, liv...
Posted by Silver Branch Studios on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:32:00 PST

Photography Composition Cheats!

Just the other day, I was having a philosophical and ethics based conversation with one of my Sons over using Cheat Codes to play Computer and Video games. Like a finely primed lawyer I presented what...
Posted by Silver Branch Studios on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:30:00 PST

Nature Photography Tutorial

Six Steps To Better Winter PhotographyBy James H Egbert     The ground hog came out and said spring is upon us.  The calendar on the wall states that spring has officially arrived,...
Posted by Silver Branch Studios on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 09:41:00 PST

Gearing Up For Nature Photography

Gearing Up For Nature Photography© James H. Egbert, all rights reserved      It wasn't all that long ago when I was working behind the counter at a local camera shop, and it seemed...
Posted by Silver Branch Studios on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 09:39:00 PST

What Camera Makes You A Pro?

What Camera System Do You Use?By James H Egbert      At almost to no end, I am asked this every day... I almost want to climb atop Pikes Peak and Scream as loudly as I can..." What...
Posted by Silver Branch Studios on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 09:36:00 PST

Nature Photographers A Passion Of Art & Nature

Outdoor Photography PassionsFrom Behind and Beside the Camera By James H. Egbert and Rebecca Egbert From Behind The Camera     The world of a photographer can be an interesting one. Th...
Posted by Silver Branch Studios on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 09:34:00 PST