Ambermoon profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

Nature Photographer:

Jewellery Designer:

Ambitrance/Chill DJ (Pollyphonic)
Past gigs: Rainbow Serpent Festival (Melbourne),
Earthdance (Syd, Bris), Earthcore (Bris), Exodus, Summer Dreaming Festival (Syd), Endymion (Bris)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My love of nature arose 8 years ago when I was shown how to see the spirit Earth, embracing a deep respect and acknowledgement of the lifeforce in which all resides. I started to seek the company of the natural world and gradually came to experience it as 'home'. Around the same time the nature photography of the late Tasmanian, Peter Dombrovskis, introduced my vision to nature's microcosms, where a small square of rock or vegetation can contain a mutlitude of natural worlds. I started wanting to capture my increasing wonderment and changing perspectives inspired by my meditations in nature through nature photography. My drive to seek the Divine in her most glorious colours and forms has taken me to places I never would have ventured otherwise. I have challenged both mind and body on my wilderness most nature photographers have experienced the pain and joy that comes from these quests to find the eternal, as we witness the endless changes that take place around us, the infinite possibilities that the physical world can manifest.

All photos on this site copyright Ambermoon 2000-2007

My Blog

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