Dilige et quod vis fac!
Anime, Anthropology, Archeology, Archery, Arithmetic, Art, Astronomy, Bonsai, Camping, Coffee, Comics, Computers, Drawing, Hiking, History, Manga, Mythology, Pea Coats, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Reading, Running, Science, Silk Robes, Spider Plants, Swimming, Swords, Tea, Theology, Theory, Video Games (Consoles or Not), Weight lifting, Writing
The best ships are friendships.
Those who find interest in this:
Grey Party
Message Me...
Ambient, Ancient, Classical, Down-Tempo, Electronic, Industrial, Jazz, Lounge, Metal, New Wave, Rock, Techno, Trance, Various Hip-Hop and Rap Artists (mostly experimental and intermediates).
Anime, Classical, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Independent Film, Manga, Science Fiction, Tragedy
Some favorites:
Andromeda, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Blade Runner, Conan the Barbarian & Destroyer, Farscape, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Final Fantasy, Kill Bill, Lexx, Mad Max, Mystery Science Theater 3000 ("MST3K"), Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Space Odyssey 2001, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate SG-1 (+Atlantis), Thunder Cats, THX 1138, Tripping the Rift
Real Time with Bill Maher, Movies, Video Games.
Generally, I read the following:
Fantasy, History, Philosophy, Science, Science Fiction, and Theology.
Some Favorites:
Plato's The Republic & Aristotle's Criticism, The Jefferson Bible, Kama Sutra, Quran, Tanakh, Tao Te Ching, Tipitaka
Archimedes, Aristotle, Heracles, Herodotus, Hunter S. Thompson, Julius Caesar, Maddox, Siddhartha Gautama, Scorpius, Socrates, Thomas Jefferson, Leonardo Da Vinci, Zhang Zhao, Zhao Yun