Gaius Invictus Caesar:Divinity`s Rotting Flesh profile picture

Gaius Invictus Caesar:Divinity`s Rotting Flesh

I Have, Within a Thousand Roses, A Pocketful of Aesthetic Murder

About Me

During the Bloody Age of Absurdity and Discontent, The Caesar-Invictus XIII did many a strange and curious thing....
By Zaylyn Alexandros
Abandon Thyself, Oh, Seeker. Divine Madness begets Liberation.
Something New, Ancient, and Terrifying This Way Vomits
Kill the Artist and Become the Art:
I AM The Loud-Roaring and Reveling Caesar-Invictus!
Returning to you after centuries upon moons of lessons,
This, my Second Cumming in torn lace!
I am primeval, two-natured, thrice-born, Axian Lord!
Savage, nurturing, tyrannical, loving, insignificant , secretive, two-horned, two-shaped,
I am the product of adultery, Divine Torture, betrayal, and rape!
I revel in the sufferings that bring glory and cause strength!
Now do I approach you as Ivy-covered, draconian, warlike, howling, and pure!
I take raw flesh, I have triennial feasts in the gutters,
Wrapped in foliage, flaming halos, and resentment,
Bedecked with grape clusters, blood, and sparkle studded.
I am the resourceful Zaylyn Alexandros, The Invictus, Phanes, The 13th Caesar-Juliae
The Great Prometheus of a tricky incarnation,
I, Quetzalcoatl, now with singed feathers of faded colors,
Drunken Oracle sired by Lightening and Abandonment
When They mated with Fire and Disregard in Unspeakable Union.
I am the shipwreck of centuries, cultures, and orphans.
Hearken to My voice, O' blessed patrons of the new temples,
And with my fair-girdled nurses, breath upon you
In a spirit of perfect kindness and decadence.
I am He, The Wailing One....
I am the true Spirit of Prophecy,
The Founder of the Feast,
The Grotesque Master of Pleasures,
The Immaculate Nothingness,
And The Extravagant Lunatic.
I, who whispers for the Dragon,
To confess the secrets of the gods’ true nature,
To bring the war to Them,
My satyrs, maenads, and other curious beings of the modern temples,
Like madmen, are endowed with mantic powers, In glamorous costume, grounded, but inhabiting a different plane of mental existence,
shamans and shamanesses dipped in glitter.
For when the the spirit of I, the Drunken Oracle, enters the body,
Consumed from wine glass and plastic alike,
The follower is filled with the breath of Liquid Prophecy, exalted in the alleyway,
In the embrace of the new wines and spirits,
Greater than a godless dream….
Follow me to a better life and together we shall blaze away to the Great Unseen...
I am their Grand Forgiver...Their own Wind-Up Harlot...
...I have become Marble...Trashed...Enthralled by their False Love...Safe...
...I have become the Brutal Liberator...
Merely the Relentless Wanderer...
As scared and as vulnerable as you...But with an edge...
Through our own blood, through our own powerlessness and contempt, there is conquest...
Remember me, for I AM the Approaching Drums...
Bring Forth a Crown of Beauty and Raining Arrows
Ad Alta, Ad Astra!
This, the Fierce Mythology of Dandies
A Worldwide Bohemian Gutter Spectacular!
"Alexandria’s New World"
A Son of Zeus goes forth to war,
A kingly crown to gain;
His blood red banner streams afar:
Who follows in His train?
Who best can drink his cup of wine,
Triumphant over pain,
What phalanx bears his Cause so fine,
They follow in His train.
That Hero first, whose Titan eye
Could pierce beyond the grave;
Who saw His eagle in the sky,
That none could make a slave.
Like Him, with justice on his tongue,
In midst of mortal pain,
He slain all them that did the wrong:
Who follows in His train?
A favored band, the chosen few
On whom the glory came;
Forty Thousand dreams they knew,
And fought with spear and flame.
They met the tyrant’s brandished steel,
For a lion’s gory mane;
They raised their swords the death to deal:
Who follows in their train?
A noble army, men and boys,
Of women and of maids,
Around the Traveler’s throne rejoice,
In robes of red arrayed.
They climbed the steep ascent of heav’n,
Through peril, toil and pain;
O’ Gods, to us may grace be given,
To follow in their train!
( All Rights Reserved; 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006 )
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

The former National Territories of the following defunct Empires are, by right and birthright, claim of Gauis Invictus Caesar. All titles of "Caesar", "Kaiser", "Czar", invaders who were awarded with the title of "Caesar", and all titles derived from "Caesar" are now united under the singular title of "Caesar", as well as all territories under said titles. Make ready and recognise:
The Hellenistic Empire of King Alexandros III of Macedonia, in this the new Caesars have resolved to stay to the promise of being "Protectors" of this Ideology.

The Roman Republic
The Roman Empire
The Western Roman Empire
The Eastern Roman Empire

The Byzantine Empire

The Ottoman Empire

The Holy Roman Empire

The Russian Empire

The German Empire

I'd like to meet:

"Behold, dahlings! My army of Social Prostitutes! Our church of Misguided Guilt! All will fall heavy under the marching of Ruby-Studded Jackboots!"~The Caesar-Invictus three Saturdays ago.

"Get it into your head once and for all, my simple and very fainthearted fellow, that what fools call humanness is nothing but a weakness born of fear and egoism; that this chimerical virtue, enslaving only weak men, is unknown to those whose character is formed by stoicism, courage, and philosophy."
~The Marquis de Sade

"Man's natural character is to imitate; that of the sensitive man is to resemble as closely as possible the person whom he loves. It is only by imitating the VICES of others that I have earned MY misfortunes."
~The Marquis de Sade

You Are My Sub-Cultural-Pop-Art.

The Musings of The False Oracle:
* Rebellion is a trend. We lost the the the revolution a long time ago, so deal.
*I am a hypocrite. So are YOU. To deny it would be hypocritical.
*My Hypocrasy goes only so far. I won't sleep with Republicans or Bolsheviks.
*Overthrow all the club fuedal monarchies. The time for club fascism is nigh.
*The scene is plastic and not to be taken seriously. Survive accordingly.
*I am the non-Aryan Hitler in a prom dress, the American El Duce`, and the odd little girl that lives down the lane.
*I cum wine and spit lipstick.
*I fake orgasms.
*I never asked to have a penis. I asked to breath fire and have wings.
*My Space is for Attention Whores, dipshits who think they are cool because they are DJs or in bands, internet pick-up sluts(Male and Female), people who ONLY look good in their pictures, pseudo-intellectuals, marketing prostitutes, so called "Cyber-Culture" people, and hypocrites. Accept it, revel in it, fucking love it, you whores. None of it matters because we're ALL hopeless, clueless or not. Party at my house, fuckers.
*Don't fear death. We're already dead.
*In life and death situations, there is clarity.

*Glitter is the warpaint that wears me.
*Stop publicly bitching about people. You're just a another kind of scumfuck, moron. ;) (Remember, I'm a hypocrite. )
*You are not unique, precious, important, or special in the grand scheme of things, whatever that scheme may be. Your school counseler, your preacher, your priest, the media, TV, movies, radio, that dirty old man, and your parents lied to you. The sooner this is accepted, the sooner you'll stop being a parasite on the ass of evolution.

*I'm still just a scared little boy...with a tomahawk and the ability to use it.
*Kiss me as often as possible.
*Originality is an illusion. Relax.

*Why am I always on my knees for you? Oh, yeah...Nevermind.
*Attention Uncreative Moral Bigots: Do not set standards for artists of any genre, mainstream or sub-culture. You are not qualified. Don't be such a whiner of who "sells-out" or who doesn't. Enjoy their works or don't.
*Those who make money as professional critics will be among the first rounded up. This will happen on my second day in the office of "President-For-Life".
*My first day as President-For-Life will be spent commiting physical acts of glamour and unholy acts of debachery.
*If a woman can play the violin, harp, or harpsicord, she is hot. This is regardless of what she looks like.
*Instead of bitching at me, bend me over a railing and throw my hoops over my head. This would be less painful and much quicker.
*"I never was the fantasy of what you want...wanted me to be..."
*No drama at the festivities.
*Drink from this cup, and only then can I promise you a better life.
*I have a HUGE crush on Marie Antionette.
*I am the militant, male Audrey Hepburn.
*I am an aspiring writer. This means I am a painter with no talent.
*Be a fool. Be it often.
*Bring me madness! Bring me desire! Unfurl some passion for me! I demand poetry from you, bitch!
*There was such cruelty in her voice when she told me she loved me.
*"Praise be to that which makes us tough."
*I am not a rockstar. I am not a superstar. I am a Fopstar. Learn to tremble in my lacey wake.
*You put in for Zaylyn, he'll put out for you. ;)
*If I were to choose three theme songs for my life, today they would be: "Sparkling Diamonds" and "Hindu Sad Diamonds" from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack also,"That's Amore" by Dean Martin.
*If I had to pick a fourth life theme song for today, it must be "Two of Hearts" Stacey Q.
*I am much more charming from a distance. Distance is found in the crowd.
*Kill your Perfections, destroying one more Master.

*Restraint is a sin, but strategy is a virtue.
*I am a glamourous, dancing, singing abortion.
*Join a doomed revolution.
*There isn't enough love in exisitance to satisfy me.
*Art is the only connection between mortality and divinity.
*Give to your gods what belongs to them, for that sweet, candy ass belongs to Caesar.


CLASSICAL MUSIC, OPERA MUSIC (First Love of Loves. Anything Italian, Spanish, French, etc.), Victorian Folk, JAZZ, Bluegrass, Western Swing, Blues, R&B, Rap, Goth, Industrial, Punk, Classic Rock, Rockabilly, Psychabilly, Native American Music (Both modern and Traditional )and anything else that sounds good.
...But mainly SWING, dahling... ;)~


Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?, Gangs of New York, Thunderheart, Walkout, Geronimo, Castaway, Secondhand Lions, Europa Europa, Swing Kids, Velvet Goldmine, Hedwig and The Angry Inch, My Diary, Brokeback Mountain, The Man Who Would Be King, The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, King Kong (The original and remake), Rocky Horror Picture Show, Birth of a Nation, The Libertine, The Score, Donnie Brasco, Casanova, Total Eclipse, From Hell, Alexander, Moulin Rouge, Amelie, La Vita E'Bella, Le Pacte des Loups, Fight Club, Phonebooth, Alice in Wonderland, Naked Lunch, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Kingdom of Heaven, Spun, Sin City, Requim for a Dream, The Da Vinci Code, Party Monster, Waterloo, Young Guns, Pancho Villa: Starring Himself, Kidnapped, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Dogma, Original Sin, ALL Audrey Hepburn movies(good and bad), The Audrey Hepburn Story, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon,


Family Guy, Aquateen Hunger Force, Drawn Together, Southpark, Nip/Tuck, 12 Oz Mouse, Squidbillies, Project Runway, The Simple Life, Scrubs, Rome, Spongebob Squarepants, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy


The Journal of Princess Honey


Master Shake, Bloo, Willy Wonka, Don Quixote, Stewie Griffen, Cartman, Mandy (Grim Adventures),

My Blog

An Orgy of Spring Cleaning

Dahling Citizens, I know, I know...everything here in this profile is more than a dreadful mess.  I've even thought about dusting things off a bit.  Then I discovered that I really didn't wa...
Posted by Gaius Invictus Caesar:Divinity`s Rotting Flesh on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:23:00 PST

Isaiah 53:3

 "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: And we hid, as it were, our faces from him;  He was despised, and we esteemed him not."
Posted by Gaius Invictus Caesar:Divinity`s Rotting Flesh on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:23:00 PST

"Ethiopia One"

"Chapter One: The Poisoned Writer:" "The Formalities of The Third Faction""Lo, it was that I stood in the lone plain,That I placed my ear to His WhisperAnd was content of what it wasForced upon mine e...
Posted by Gaius Invictus Caesar:Divinity`s Rotting Flesh on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 09:29:00 PST

"Hotel Alexandros" (Pt. 2)

By Zaylyn AlexandrosSometimes I sleep,Other times I wander,I am everything at once,Insignificant and golden,Blueprinted in Marble,With nothing to prove,Theyll never see,The colors I realize,The strang...
Posted by Gaius Invictus Caesar:Divinity`s Rotting Flesh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST