people poets and rockers! like looking at matters from every angle, lifes too short not too. The kind of person to admit when wrong; make amends don't lose friends amuse and delight help you through the plight; the trudge of the day you call life or work witch do u live for!!I choose life!!GO FOR IT.
anyone into rock music or you! dear poet poetry what does it mean to us (to me?) the fact that you can make someone smile, or break down and cry. the way that it seems worthwhile; and yet you don't know why. Oh creative mind of attitude; talent and passion, humour the braindead till they can't take no more. You set the styles the trends and the fashion, you give them hope they have not felt before. Commitment to writing, can't put down your pen; Till you get to the end, influences all spent, Enthusiastic vibes hit you there and then, and you smile to yourself cos' you wrote what you meant! (to be or not to be) Poetry see!
check out my bands web site
pulp fiction, trainspoting
try to avoid at all times lifes too short to waste. live and write to excite!
pulp fiction/ Babycham night
spiderman because hes just like me apart from the climbing walls and shooting webs bit!