Collecting Guitars, and other music/sound equipment, Halloween, good music, hot-rods, tattoos, 1950-1959, screwdrivers, and Pabst Blue Ribbon.
adopt your own virtual pet!
People that are genuine, and people who won't let you down.Ghandi, Elvis, James Dean, Brian Setzer, Slim Jim Phantom, Lee Rocker, Frankenstein's Monster, Salvador Dali, Edgar Allen Poe, Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino, Fred Gretsch, The Reverend Horton Heat, Douglas Adams, Marilyn Monroe, Aurthur Dent...
Music is good. Rockabilly and psychobilly have been the only steadfast thing I've been listening to lately.
I suggest checking out Stray Cats, The Reverend Horton Heat , Tiger Army, Horrorpops , Southern Culture On The Skids . If you're looking for something a little different, check out Niyaz (Persian traditional music infused with electronica), and Back Door Slam (awesome blues band from Isle of Man). The list goes on...
Go check out my band Avery's Bone Yard and let me know what you think.
Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jackie Brown, True Romance, Young Frankenstein, Clay Pigeons, Harry Potter, anything from Quentin Tarantino, or Tim Burton.
The Addams Family, The Munsters, Ace of Cakes, How it's made, Diners drive-ins and dives, Modern Marvels, Mythbusters, Good eats. The list goes on...again.
Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. (magazines) Ready Made
Anyone who is making a difference in the world, or in an individual life and doesn't know it.
Fred Gretsch