Avery’s Bone Yard profile picture

Avery’s Bone Yard

About Me

Started from the remains and still living Eastern WI musicians, Avery's Bone Yard is dedicated to bringing you upbeat fast paced punk rock with demonic soul scraping solos! With 3 guitars, our 4 part harmony's bring back the old school edge that feeds the dogs!
Avery's Bone Yard is a fast paced mix of punk, metal, and good old fashion rock-n-roll. We came together because there was a severe lack of good music in our area. Three out of the five members were still playing together after the disbanding of The Ryan Trost Experience, and decided that trying to reincarnate the horse that had been beaten, burned, bruised, and buried was a bad idea. Around this same time came a trial in the Manitowoc County Courts. A man was accused of brutally raping and killing a local woman. But it wasn't that cut and dry. This man had been sent to prison for 18 years on a false accusation in a previous case, now he was out based on DNA evidence that confirmed his innocence. This man tried to sue the county for some tens of millions of dollars, needless to say the county did not like this idea. It all seems too convenient that soon after the lawsuit was brought on, he was the prime suspect in a murder trial. While we will never know what really happened to the woman who was involved, we do feel for her family. And while the man may or may not be guilty, the process of the search, and trial were corrupt. We chose the name Avery's Bone Yard not as a shock value gimmick, but as a reminder that you can never trust a system that will do anything to keep it from bringing justice on itself.
This band is dedicated to all of those who have been cheated, wrongly accused, or otherwise harassed by the legal system.
For those of you who actually care, our members past may consist of, but were raped and stolen from: Jack The Tripper, The Ryan Trost Experience, Napalm Baptism, The Price Of Hate, American Terror, Maneurysm, Remission, EFIL, Manty Punk Rock All-Stars, White Van......
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Member Since: 11/17/2005
Band Website: http://averysboneyard.tripod.com
Band Members: To view our members myspace just click on name

Oz - Vocals/Guitar
Ripley - Rhythm Guitar
Skippy - Bass
Trost - Lead Guitar
Mitch- Drums
Sit In Drummer, and Recording Engineer
Mike Who,
Influences: Pabst Blue Ribbon, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, punk rock, metal, rock-n-roll, police brutality, corrupt legal systems, the servicer, and probably anything you find immoral or just plain wrong.
Sounds Like: Fast paced punk rock with demonic soul scraping solos! With 3 guitars, our 4 part harmony's bring back the old school edge that feeds the dogs!
Record Label: Ultra Violence/ D.I.Y. all the way
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Support Local Music

Hey kids, We've now added music to our website, and myspace that you can buy and help support us. You can listen to our full EP on both the myspace player and on our website, and if you like what you...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:33:00 GMT

Back from the Grave!

Hey kids,   So here we are over a year since our last blog! That an achievement if I do say so myself. The Bone Yard took a much needed hiatus that lasted a little longer than any of us plan...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 15:00:00 GMT

An update on the Bone Yard.

So, as you may have noticed lately, Avery's Bone Yard hasn't been doing a whole lot. The Hartford show that we missed was supposed to be Lenny's last show, this was no suprise to the band or anyone wh...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 10:55:00 GMT

Besides the van burning up....

After every thing that is going on right now in the recently chaotic world of the boneyard i am happy to say that we are still here and ready to continue on with the rock show! Band moral is at an all...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 16:00:00 GMT

We said light up the barrels, not the van.

So tonight on the way to the show in Hartford, we got about 20 minutes down the highway (I-43) and the van started acting a little weird. Now a bit of back story, we bought the van yesterday, and had ...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 21:34:00 GMT

Whats New in The Boneyard!!!

Summer is coming and were regrouping preparing for the rock show....First things first.....Fox 6 news out of Miilwaukee feature the Boneyard last friday night and exploited us a bit, mostly misconcept...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 23:36:00 GMT

Avery's Boneyard interview w/ Fox 6 News

Hey Avery's Boneyard made headline news on Fox 6 News in Milwaukee, WI on Friday April 27th copy and paste the link to view the interview go check it out http://www.myfoxmilwaukee.com/myfox/pages/Co...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 23:16:00 GMT

Three Way Dance

So the year has started over and Its time to prepare for the Rock Show! We will be playing our asses off all through out 2007 and are looking for bands to play with here, there, and everywhere.....Our...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 01:32:00 GMT

new video!

hey all we got a video of pre ABY band The Ryan Trost Experience in the videos section check it out everyone!
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 22:14:00 GMT

Turkey day Massacre!

The bone yard Hit the road again and made a venture to good old Fond Du Lac. We nor i have ever played in fondy before so this was a treat for us. Our old Friend Swag (so wasnt americunt great/ who we...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 04:48:00 GMT