Started from the remains and still living Eastern WI musicians, Avery's Bone Yard is dedicated to bringing you upbeat fast paced punk rock with demonic soul scraping solos! With 3 guitars, our 4 part harmony's bring back the old school edge that feeds the dogs!
Avery's Bone Yard is a fast paced mix of punk, metal, and good old fashion rock-n-roll. We came together because there was a severe lack of good music in our area. Three out of the five members were still playing together after the disbanding of The Ryan Trost Experience, and decided that trying to reincarnate the horse that had been beaten, burned, bruised, and buried was a bad idea. Around this same time came a trial in the Manitowoc County Courts. A man was accused of brutally raping and killing a local woman. But it wasn't that cut and dry. This man had been sent to prison for 18 years on a false accusation in a previous case, now he was out based on DNA evidence that confirmed his innocence. This man tried to sue the county for some tens of millions of dollars, needless to say the county did not like this idea. It all seems too convenient that soon after the lawsuit was brought on, he was the prime suspect in a murder trial. While we will never know what really happened to the woman who was involved, we do feel for her family. And while the man may or may not be guilty, the process of the search, and trial were corrupt. We chose the name Avery's Bone Yard not as a shock value gimmick, but as a reminder that you can never trust a system that will do anything to keep it from bringing justice on itself.
This band is dedicated to all of those who have been cheated, wrongly accused, or otherwise harassed by the legal system.
For those of you who actually care, our members past may consist of, but were raped and stolen from: Jack The Tripper, The Ryan Trost Experience, Napalm Baptism, The Price Of Hate, American Terror, Maneurysm, Remission, EFIL, Manty Punk Rock All-Stars, White Van......
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