My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer profile picture

My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer

Where anything that is possible you'll see and anything that seems impossible will be done

About Me

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Oh dear lord It's come to this. LOLI am an obscure man. I've been loved and I've been hated. I've been admired and I've been insulted. But above all of this I've tried to remain true to myself and true to my friends both old or new. I have several great friends on my top friends list. From Brandon the number one man on my list, number one because despite the vast amounts of difference between us, he's never once said to me I couldn't be his friend or that if it ever came down to it, he'd pretend not to know me if I ever took the time to try and visit him. And you know what? I'm as gay as they come, he's as straight as they come. So let that be a lesson to all the ignorant people in the world. I learned more from him than most people who try to show me things. Then I have my song bird Shannon Nicole whose voice has comforted me more times than she'll ever know. Then there's my oldest and dearest friend Darryn. He's the lead singer and founder of a fantastic band known as On Tracy Lane. An author by the name of Jon Hargrove who deserves your hard earned money spent on his work because he really is that brilliant, something I can only hope he might say about my work one day when I send him a finished copy of my own work. An old friend who kept me sane while we served in the Navy, her ex, a dear friend of mine. Anyone on there or who will be on there has made it there because they help to make me the better person I try at times to be.And this is apparently who I look like. I see no resemblance, but then again I see myself as hideous. LOLMeanwhile as my life is already dull and insipid I take tests. Apparently these are the results of who I am:

My score on The What Kind Of King/Queen Are You? Test :

Cruel Dictator King
(You scored 47% Evilness, 36% Passiveness, & 11% Crazyness!) 4860/mt966293512.gif

Congrats!You are a Cruel Dictator King!You rule your kingdom with an iron fist. You squash any freedom of speech or expression. The peasants dare not step outside the box, or even leave their house, for fear of torture and execution. You are utterly ruthless in your quest to increase and solidify power.Revolutionary plots are being hatched all around you. You have spies in every tavern, ready to tattle tale on any dissenters. Your prisons are filled with random people who you use as slave labor to fortify your kingdom and consolidate your absolute power.

Link: The What Kind Of King/Queen Are You? Test

View My Profile: reverandtrask

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My score on The Psychologically Damaged Test :

Getting there...
(Wow! You are 44% damaged!) 011/mt1168634580.jpg

Ok....people know you're crazy, but they still think it's that harmless fun kinda crazy. Just keep them thinking that...

Link: The Psychologically Damaged Test

View My Profile: reverandtrask

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Boredom strikes me often and the results are usually posted somewhere so why not here?The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Extreme
Level 7 (Violent) Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) High
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
You Are From Pluto
You are a dark, mysterious soul, full of magic and the secrets of the universe.
You can get the scoop on anything, but you keep your own secrets locked in your heart.
You love change and you use it to your advantage, whether by choice or chance.
You don't like to compromise, to the point of being self-destructive with your stubborness.
Live life with love, and your deep powers will open the world to you. What Planet Are You From?And finally the question of all questions. Just how smart am I really?

My Interests

My favorite...
...color is Breen is always first then blue
...animals are I have three cats so you do the math is I have no desire to watch or participate
...season is Spring cause I get to literally fly a kite
...TV show is I am leaning to Rome or The Batman
...drink is Anything I can drink without having to hear about the evils of sugar. is A Series of Unfortunate Events! is On Tracy Lane is Christmas because I can shop, buy friends gifts, and they can't complain is of course follwed by

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Oh you have to click on this. Hammer was never better served justice. .. width="425" height="350" ..All things must eventually end....Life in general...... width="425" height="350" ..Even Darth Vader is powerless:.. width="425" height="350" ..Oh Dear Lord even KISS isn't safe.. width="425" height="350" ..

Name: Marlon Brando
Age: I'm a Time Lord you ass I never age....950 years old and I look damn good
Favorite Food: If it refuses to move or moo when I eat it, I will enjoy it
Favorite Hobby: Travelling through time and space righting wrongs and making more wrongs myself.
Ado pt your very own monster today!

I'd like to meet:

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There is a band. They're called On Tracy Lane. They are a great band. Truly they are. How do I know? Well the lead singer is an old and dear friend of mine who proved to me that if you strive and work, you can fulfill and accomplish anything.
Join us On Tracy Lane!But then I must speak highly of the former back up vocalist who went out on her own and is doing well because of it. She's still extraordinarily talented, still well beyond beautiful, and will always deserve anything wonderful said about her because her beauty runs from deep within and pours out in her every action. I can't say enough good things about her because there really aren't enough words to describe her. And trust me I write for half a living and as a hobby so I know how to use the American English language to my advantage. Her name? Shannon NicoleCheck them out. What could it hurt? I'll tell you. Not a damn thing! In fact you might find yourself liking them so much that you too will want to see them as often as I try to.Well I have an extensive like for music. But in truth I love the Mikado most of all and you will find me listening to that as I write more than anything.Well I must admit this caught my eye. LOL.. width="425" height="350" ..


Now this has got to be the hardest of all because as you'll see I like all kinds of movies. I figure the best way to do it is to advertise them in their postered form. Other movies come as you get to know me and have the courage to ask.

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Oh my tastes range from the truly classic to what the fuck is he thinking?

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If the movie catches my eye or my ear I am determined to see it.

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Of course certain star appeal will have its advantages to it being in my collection. Of course it helps to Have Uma Thurman in them.

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I am of course an avid fan of the art house genre...

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And of course who doesn't love Emma Thompson?

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Some movies you can't help but want to see...

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Where as others simply have to be in my collection...

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Some you just own for the nostalgia of it all

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And again who can resist Uma?

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And some you just have because you get to say your his biggest (Geoffrey Rush) fan.

Hosted at

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !


I watch a variety of shows but the list of faves goes a little something like this:Life on MarsDoctor WhoTorchwoodDesigning Women (As long as Delta Burke was in them, I'm that gay)Green Acres (Yes I'm even that gay)Shark (James Woods is oddly attractive I must admit)Hotel BabylonFootballers Wives (I have the seasons on DVD thank you!)Anything with that hunk of a chef Gordon Ramsay in it (Especially Hell's Kitchen) I want to be on one of his shows just once to have him curse at me or have sex with him so he'll curse at me. Either way he's cursing at me.And a few others I might sit and watch the tele for. I just have to be in a mood to watch.


Okay this profile was in need of an update ages ago. In truth I am still mad about Snickett. I want the movies to continue and with the newest movies coming out there might be a chance it could happen in future who knows. But my collection of books goes well beyond all of that.I have a friend who makes what I do seem like childs play. His name is Jon Hargrove. I came across his profile by accident one day and added him to my friends hoping he would take me as a friend and guide my misguided ass through the trials and tribulations of writing. Jon's been a fantastic mentor with the best advice to offer anyone. But the man is also a first rate author and I am not saying this to be saying this. I have read one of his works, and plan on sending him some money for a copy of that work. I am also going to and getting his newest work. And trust me when I say that each time I know one of his works are published I am definitely getting my hands on each book. One day I hope that he will grace his bookshelf with my works (I know he will) or at least come see one of my works acted out.Current books being read? Literally, onthe night stand next to my bed I have "The Great Divirce" by C.S. Lewis, "Frankenstein", "Mrs. Dalloway", A health book I got for my birthday that I need to keep reading. "The Companion", which is froma series called Dark Froces. I read those when I was a child. And of course my nightly regime of editing anything I write. Which do I choose each night? That really depends. I do my work (about two pages maybe three a night in editing) and then I grab a book. But on the other side of my bedrrom is one of my bookcases filled with even more books. I have been known to drift over there to look and see what I have that might catch my eye. And those range from non fictional historical novels about the Medicis, the Borgias, and anyoen else to Stephen King and the Rice family tree. So it's always up in the air.


Oh wow you have asked me the question of questions. Okay in order they are:Aside from my friend Jon Hargrove? All of my friends, the real ones I've made in here and in other places and other web sites I do have a list of the top ten people I want to meet in the land of Hollywood or who just so happen to be worshipped or admired by me that don't exist in the land of Hollywood! Those people are from ten to one:10) Miss Monica Belluchi9) Definitely Uma Thurman with the hope that she won't kick my ass8) Mr. John Lithgow7) Glenn Close6) Cilian Murphy, Heath Ledger, and Aaron Eckhart (Twoout of three of these men I have seen naked and want to see naked, hard, and definitely in my bed inside of me. The third I still want to see like that in all aspects.5) My friends Darryn, Shannon Nicole, David, Dan, Christy, Heather, (okay anyone on my top friends list) But more importantly these people in order: Brandon, Jase, Ryan, Billy, and even though she somehow managed to vanish on me, Ashley4) My best friend Jared3) Meryl Streep 2)Gene Hackman (He's still a god in my eyes damn it!)And the number one Hollywood icon I would love to meet, greet, have lunch with, but not sleep within any way as it would demean him in every way, shape and form: Geoffrey "Bill Delaney is my biggest fan" Rush. Geoffrey if you're seeing this, ask my friend Heather (aka Michelle on my top friends list) She will tell you it's true.

My Blog

A sneak peek of Desperation as done by me for those interested

And with this follows the last of the seven deadly sins which is wrath. Thanks to all of my friends on here who for the last year watched as I bounced back and forth with this book and who was goign ...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:06:00 PST

In todays writing update, I kill a man in a standard conceptual way with a slight twist

He threw open the final door and saw the same screen door he saw when he went through the first basement. Only now he saw the outside world. In the distance he could see the place he called home. It w...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Tue, 20 May 2008 04:30:00 PST

Describing a new character about to die

  There are so many ways a person can be described. The way a person is described is a great help in deciding whether or not you want to like them, hate them, tolerate them even. Sometimes a pers...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:16:00 PST

Writing Update!

I'm still writing and ready to unveil the 10th story in my second novel. Now this revelation isn't in any way the entire story. It's not done. But it's my latest attempt at true sarcasm which can be q...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:40:00 PST

I reply to a friend on how I am doing

This will help anyone wh olooks at my blogs and wonders what it must be like (ha ha ha) to be me for a few days or even months. All comments are indeed welcome. Here we go. This will be much easier if...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:16:00 PST

This excerpt is an homage to a friend

I had no intention of making this story go the ways it's twisted and turned, but I can't help myself at times. By the time it's over I should have a damn good story told that even I can be proud of. A...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 02:27:00 PST

Not quite the end of Wrath because....

Well one I still have to finish Gluttony and that's taking a while. But Envy, Greed, Lust, and Sloth are done. So that's technically 4 out of seven sins. Pride is about a month to two within the inner...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 02:00:00 PST

And the finale that will send me to hell

Ignorance lurks all over. I came across this today in my mail:  The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have ...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:14:00 PST

Part 2

Ignorance lurks all over. I came across this today in my mail:  The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have ...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:12:00 PST

Part 3

Ignorance lurks all over. I came across this today in my mail:  The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have ...
Posted by My Name is Bill. I'm trying to be a writer on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:11:00 PST