We have much work, to show alternative new solutions and tray mostly to find and give pay-free self-help solutionsto help the poor of this world.Not every one is thinking in our way more and more people are bored about that.If you think, in some dark and demented way, that this is going to cause your financial meltdown,it’s not your place here.People will simply have more money to buy food, medicine, and common needs. People will becomeself sufficient and environmentally friendly.The oceans will stop rising, the ozone hole will close up, pollutants will decrease, people can afford to give more, help more,support more, and volunteer more.“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peaceâ€-Jimi Hendrix
I'd like to meet:
I like to meet people that teach me new things, me inspires or that simply entertaining is. . . I have a few narrow friends, whom I already know my whole life long. I am always glad over new friends
Easy Solar Power
Installing clean, reliable, inflation-proof solar power is easier than ever, thanks to the invention of thin-film photovoltaic (PV) laminates that can be bonded directly onto metal roofing panels. Unlike crystalline PV material, there’s no need for obtrusive racks and heavy, expensive glass. Instead, unbreakable thin-film PV is produced using amorphous silicon, encapsulated in Teflon and other polymers.
Angel's Nest
A tour of a sustainable home in Taos New Mexico made of straw bale, tires, popcans and bottles. The electricity is generated through wind and solar technology. Rainwater is captured as culinary water and there is a bio-diesel/hydrogen fueling station.
Visit empowermentchannel.info for more info.
Angel's Nest New Taos Mexico
Gandhi - Martin Luther King