k@y profile picture


bEeN tHeRe...dOnE tHaT...

About Me

i do things my own way or no way at all...i don't give a damn what other people will think as long as i know i'm right, no excuse for it...i love hanging out with my friends...i admit i'm a very vain person (coz i always have a mirror with me,even when eating when no one's looking),just want to be at my best...shopping is what i do best, i can stay all day in a mall and i mean aallllll day,my eyes get big and smile reaches my ears everytime i go out shopping...who doesn't!?!...people have the impression that i'm a snob but actually i'm not,its just my way of telling people not to mess with me...

My Interests

travelling,shopping,spa,dancing,soccer,dark/white chocolates only,mexican/japanese/italian food,flavored vodka,tequila,mint milano cookies,starbucks' grande caramel macchiatto,coffee bean's white chocolate dream

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any music that gets me hyped up and in the mood to dance


queer eye for the straight guy,iron chef america,project runway,america's next top model,CSI,medical investigation,tyra show


confessions of a shopaholic,shopaholic ties the knot,shopaholic goes abroad,the notebook,the wedding,the chamber,little prince,tough love,i kissed dating goodbye,confessions of an heiress