Residual Freedom profile picture

Residual Freedom

With God, All Things Are Possible!

About Me

As many of you know.. my name is Bob Beckett. I'm a 24 year old newlywed with a beutiful 4 year old daughter and another baby due in December! I am a fulltime MLM Consultant from home and I make my living bringing INCREASE in others lives!
If your in a Network Marketing Company, MLM, or an Affiliate Marketer and your failing miserably or maybe just need some extra help in getting your downline started or start duplicating.. then I'm your man!
What makes me so special and why do I qualify to speak to you like this? I have organizations excessing from 100 all the way up to 3,000 people. I have been JOB free for over 6 years now and being in this industry and becoming very successful is what brought me to the point of turning into a Consultant.. I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE.. Let me help you!
Enter Your Info Below to Recieve My Free Trainings and Newsletters!
As many of you know.. my name is Bob Beckett. I'm a 24 year old newlywed with a beutiful 4 year old daughter and another baby due in December! I am a fulltime MLM Consultant from home and I make my living bringing INCREASE in others lives!
If your in a Network Marketing Company, MLM, or an Affiliate Marketer and your failing miserably or maybe just need some extra help in getting your downline started or start duplicating.. then I'm your man!
What makes me so special and why do I qualify to speak to you like this? I have organizations excessing from 100 all the way up to 3,000 people. I have been JOB free for over 6 years now and being in this industry and becoming very successful is what brought me to the point of turning into a Consultant.. I LOVE HELPING PEOPLE.. Let me help you!
Enter Your Info Below to Recieve My Free Trainings and Newsletters!


My Interests

To Better Understand Me .. Watch this Video NOW!
Hanging out with my Daughter, Girlfriend, Family, Friends.. Going to Movies.. Eating Out.. just chillin.. oh yah. and of course makin money!

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Music: - Build a Slideshow
Rock, Clean Rap, Easy Listening


The new 007 beats pretty much all the movies I have seen in a long while! Check it out


That 70's show and the Family Guy


Think and Grow Richer Rich Dad Poor Dad Bible


God.. Batman.. Of course if your into Direct Sales I definatley recommend Dani Johnson and Mike Dillard! They will boost your business tremendously!

My Blog

UPDATE! NOW 525 Members in my Downline since February!!

I know alot of you are curious about my growth of automaticbuilder so here is an update.. Summary of downline Level 1    4 Level 2    19 Level 3    28 Leve...
Posted by Makin Money on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:21:00 PST


Guys.. once your downline gets so big in AutomaticBuilder.. the team just keeps growing out of control even if you dont do anything for it anymore!Ask me how I can help you achieve this in only a few ...
Posted by Makin Money on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 02:14:00 PST

288 Downline Since February and Growing!

My AutomaticBuilder Downline! Level 1     4 Level 2     12 Level 3     29 Level 4     25 Level 5    ...
Posted by Makin Money on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 04:32:00 PST

How to Retire Early! The easy and fast way!

Hi guys.. time and time again.. I have posted on the forums about how success in any business.. whether its gambling with HYIP's, or more important .. Starting your own business such as MLM's or ebay...
Posted by Makin Money on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:03:00 PST