safety pins, vinatge t-shirts, mikitas, hair and beauty product, high heels, flea markets, home depot, spray paint, sharpies, couture, crochet, knitting, cool new recipes, loving ourselves, yummy snacks, surfing, skating, yoga, teevee, texting, chatting, dvds, movies, books, swimming, boys, cool chicks, dare I go on...
All the faaaab fashionista ladies (and boys) out there who are into being crafty, learning tricks and tips, sharing their ideas and living a super deeluxe lifestyle!
music that makes me wanna dance and/or cry. that would be anything and everything, huh?
funny movies. scary movies. sad movies. action movies. dark movies. english gangster films. old movies with style icons like elizabeth taylor, liza minelli or barara streisand. movies with cute boys and/or music
anything on the Style Network, HSN, 30 Rock, the sarah silverman program, seinfeld
modern girls guide to life by jane buckingham. hemingway, hunter, hank
all the strong women out there who every day inspire and teach and live and learn and be themselves and love and grow. my mom. my sis. your mom. you.