Ladies and gentlemen Bonjour,Welcome to ULTIMATE Lifestyle Management..'s MySpace page.ULTIMATE Lifestyle Management is a one-stop-shop solution for VIPs around the World and professionals looking after them.Based in Paris, operating Worldwide we offer a variety of services and options catering to every need, requirement and expectation or dream you may have.Our services are organized as follow:* ULTIMATE Events Management.* ULTIMATE Travel Design.* ULTIMATE Concierge Service.* ULTIMATE Assistance Staff.Should you need our services we are organized in three departments dedicated specifically to your needs depending if you are a private individual, a corporation or an agency. We have an expert at disposal for each category and solely to it. We believe it is the best way to meet your expectations and requirements by giving a prompt, efficient and satisfactory response to your briefing and request.Please do find our details on our website at www.ultimatelifestyle.frWe look forward to assisting your guests or you whether in France or abroad with a particular expertise in Asia that we travel extensively since 20 Years already.ULTIMATE Lifestyle Management was founded by Ludmila KUDJAKOVA (General Manager), and Lionel CROCHET (President).With respectively 9 and 15 Years of experience we have added up close to a quarter century of lifestyle and event management, VIP assistance and luxury consulting for a variety of the World..'s most prestigious brands and corporations to meet one objective: your total, your complete, your unquestionable, your ultimate...satisfaction, pleasure, serenity and trust. Our reputation is our most valuable asset. Serving you is our pleasure and honor. Fully delivering is a minimum.At your service!Lionel CROCHET President and Founder ULTIMATE Lifestyle Management