BRYCE profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Im a student at cascadia community college. i love it there. im studying international relations with the hope of working for the UN developing envirionmental policy. we'll see what happens there. i want to travel around the world and see everything. it wont happen, but ill try. i love fashion. Shoes especially. Want to make me happy, buy some shoes in a size 8-9. i'll love you forever. Well... im pretty simple. so... talk to ya sometime soon.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

world leaders. moby, mike skinner, kheaven bererton, just jack... tons more.


OK, Bands who are looking at my music or who im friends with. I dont want your adds or email. i find my own music. and im happy with how that works. dont email me.What ever makes me move. Techno/trance like fatboy slim, and moby, crytal method, all sorts of artists like that, ambient, trance, drum and bass, its all good. And hip hop like pherrel, busta rhymes, snoop, dre, and an artist yall probably dont know, called k-os, whom i think is one of the best hip hop artists ever. oh and i cant forget one of my favorite bands is coldplay, And the Streets.


comedy and action (i like the combo stuff) but then there is the slapstick movies. those are good too, not a fan of scary stuff. im kinda a wuss sometimes, but thats about it.


Sci-fi. but i dont read too much, so its not much to mention.

My Blog

the frustration

It looks like its been a month since I last posted, which is kinda crazy, cuz it doesnt even seem like this sites been up that long. At this point last week I was riding a perverbial high. I had just ...
Posted by BRYCE on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:51:00 PST

some deep stuff.

sitting there it waits till the time is right. a patience that one could only envy. how it stalks and waits for the perfect time to attack. trying to keep guard seems to yeild only lost enrgy, for it ...
Posted by BRYCE on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:36:00 PST

cuz i just dont know how this is affecting me

like many poeple in my position ive begun to ask my self some questions on the topic of relationships. i dont know where this line of thought goes.... but if your along for the ride, who knows, sit ba...
Posted by BRYCE on Sun, 11 May 2008 11:36:00 PST

the things i did to you.

so i dont know what it was that prompted this little adventure i have just taken, but i felt that i should express some things. i dont the person that this relates to will ever read this, and i dont k...
Posted by BRYCE on Sun, 11 May 2008 11:06:00 PST

a haiku i wrote...

flows into my life gliding softly in the breeze with summer you leave  ...
Posted by BRYCE on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 01:29:00 PST

another day in the life.... blah.

so that time again has come when i get to use my bad grammer to talk in some depth about the feelings that i have been feeling lately. for those who read this.... i dont know what you may be thinking,...
Posted by BRYCE on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:17:00 PST

my last week.... some deep reflections.

So.... the last week, this monday through last monday has been a very interesting time for me in my life. outside of being in jail for 6 days... which is just dumb... its been very revealing. with 6 d...
Posted by BRYCE on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:10:00 PST

the color blue

this is the time of my life when i wish i was better at describing my emotions in words. the last 24 hours have been really hard emotionally. many of you know that my dad died when i was younger... we...
Posted by BRYCE on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:46:00 PST

is anyone as annoyed as i am?

it seems like i cant go one day now with out experiencing some just annoying things on myspace.   if its not the conitual band request that i really dont want to listen to, or have to check thei...
Posted by BRYCE on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:47:00 PST

Listen to the BEST SONG EVER

Ok folks. I posted the lyrics to "Nothing Gold Can Stay", well, Ben Schor got back to me with a link. I hope that you all can take the chance to listen to the song. Also, check out his site and listen...
Posted by BRYCE on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 05:17:00 PST