Francis Bacon
"I see planets that don't exist and landscapes that have only been dreamed"
Werner Herzog
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened"
Douglas Adams ____________________________________________________________ _______________
sympathetic | DIVISION is an experimental project which emerged in 2002. Heavily inspired by the ocean, Science Fiction and disharmony the project has been described as minimalist/experimental, but sometimes delves into more noise driven soundscapes. sympathetic | DIVISION's music is often themed around other worlds, whether that be real or imagined and an imperfect future before us all. Many of the tracks here are continually evolving, much like the artist himself, so make sure you return here every few weeks to hear something new.
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Interested in collaborating, remixing or even adding visuals to what you hear? Maybe even vocals? Drop me a line, I'm always interested!
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CD available now through Shame File Music! 12 tracks of experimental minimalism. tracks include- false winter, cold memory, fomalhaut, hegira and an exclusive remix of doors to infinity by alex spalding. go to to order! AU$8ppd (US$6ppd)
You can download a number of releases for free through the following net-labels:
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Dustin Must Die- harmony squared (not available) the quiet hierarchies (not available) remnants (not available)
Noise-Joy- heavier than sleep (not available) gravity remains (not available) life without symmetry (not available)
Dadaist Audio- from the mouths of none (version two)-Laughing in the face of mainstream (Compilation)
Chaoz Records- cold memory (memento)-001-Net (Compilation)
Smell the Stench- reflected wave/incident wave-Cold and Dead-Black Ambient Compilation
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Because of the collapse of the Net-Label Noise-Joy, my releases there are not for download anymore. These releases will be re-released at a later date, keep an eye on the blogs for updates!
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Sadly due to work and other commitments DMD is on hiatus and the releases are at the moment unavailable, it will return soon so please keep your ears and eyes open for updates!
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due to the amount of spam-bots and "friend" collectors in the last couple of months I have had to tighten security on this site, so sadly I have installed some extra precautions! Sorry for the delays! Plus when sending a friend request send me a message as well, it would be nice to know you!
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View my page on AtmoWorks