Blood Red Renaissance profile picture

Blood Red Renaissance

About Me

isg001 - April 2006

1. Encyclopaedia Self-Destructica
2. Please Don't Fuck Anybody Else
3. Casuistic
4. Encyclopaedia Self-Destructica Part II: The Elite
"BORING!" promo single
isg002 - September 2006

1. Boring!
2. Cemetery Girl
isg003 - June 2007

1. Not Dead Yet
2. Boring!
3. Encyclopaedia Self-Destructica
4. Romero + Juliet
5. Binary
6. Don't Walk Alone
7. Twice Bitten, Thrice Shy
8. Amber & Ashes
9. Cemetery Girl
10. Please Don't Fuck Anybody Else
11. Desire, Pain, Desire
12. She Will Be The End Of Me
13. Both Wings Broken
"THE LIBERTINE" promo single
isg004 - October 2008

1. The Libertine
isg005 - October 2008

1. Fearless Leader
2. Days Of Desperation
3. The Libertine
4. I Am The Violence
5. Velvet Hammers
6. Oh, Sweet Irony!
7. The Algebra Of Need
8. Suture Self
9. Born With Bloodied Hands
10. A Hymn For Humanity
11. The Night Inside
"SUTURE SELF" promo single
isg006 - March 2009

1. Suture Self (single mix)
2. I Am The Violence
3. The Libertine: Carpe Nocturnum
We will have items for sale through PayPal again shortly.


OWENIAN RECORDS online store (
MUSIC MOOVES (Video Ezy - Port Pirie)
PIRIE AUTOPRO (seriously!)
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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 19/06/2006
Band Website: (to be updated soon...)
Band Members: MATTHEW R. DAVIS
Vocals, bass, theremin etc.


Keyboards, vocals, samples


Guitars, vocals

Influences: Everything every day in every way... but more specifically, here's what we've been cranking lately:

Sunno))), "Dimensions And Monoliths"
Jane's Addiction, "A Cabinet Of Curiosities" box set
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, "Henry's Dream"/"Tender Prey"
The Smiths, "The World Won't Listen"
Jimi Hendrix, "The Ultimate Experience"
Godflesh, "Selfless"
Kate Bush, "The Whole Story"
Meshuggah, "ObZen"

Torchwood: Children Of Earth (2009)
Knowing (2008)
Zombie Strippers (2008)
Reefer Madness (1934)
Midnight Movies (2007)
Withnail & I (1986)

On Writing/Wolves Of The Calla (Stephen King)
Scars And Other Distinguishing Marks/Created By (Richard Christian Matheson)
Transformers: Devastation (Simon Furman/EJ Su)
Blood Sisters (Matthew R. Davis)
Sounds Like:


Amber & Ashes montage clip

How best to describe Champagne Tragedy, the debut album from local lads Blood Red Renaissance? Words like diverse, adventurous, deranged and unhinged spring readily to mind but simply don’t do justice to what is an absolute collision and explosion of different musical styles.
All too often bands that attempt to combine many different elements into one album lose focus and direction as the emphasis shifts away from the songs. That is definitely not the case here. Blood Red Renaissance have come up with an exhilarating album full of challenging, fully-formed songs. To give you an idea of what to expect there are elements of industrial, metal, gothic, electronica, hip-hop and more within the BRR melting pot.
Opening track “Not Dead Yet” is crazed industrial metal straight from the Ministry manual. This is followed by the frantic “Boring!”, a dance/hip-hop/rock number propelled along by buzzsaw guitars and samples. Next up funk and punk make an appearance in “Encyclopaedia Self-Destructica”, before “Binary” combines epic, almost progressive elements with a soaring chorus and keyboards reminiscent of Faith No More.
“Don’t Walk Alone” has a funky bassline and sinister keyboards lurking in the background, while “Twice Bitten, Thrice Shy” is a mellow, whimsical but sinister ballad. Even a theremin and apparently a fire extinguisher (?) make an appearance on the morbidly humorous “Cemetery Girl”, a track very much in keeping with the album’s gruesome, blood-drenched cover art. I could go on, but suffice to say there are plenty more gems of various hues on offer.
Congratulations to a local band that have the courage of their convictions and have managed to come up with a brilliant debut album. To paraphrase a well-known idiot, do yourself a favour. Grab a copy of Champagne Tragedy, and catch Blood Red Renaissance at a venue near you.
[James McKenzie, dB Magazine]
.. ....> BLOOD RED RENAISSANCE in Miscellaneous Songs ..>
Record Label: idiotsavantgarde
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Episode IV: A New Hope

Shalom!Well, it's my pleasure to announce a blog that contains GOOD news!  So, without further ado such as this, let's get into it...Blood Red Renaissance once again has a complete line-up.  We've bee...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Jun 2009 03:37:00 GMT

Still kicking - BRR update 4/09

Hello.So, here's what's been going on:We've taken another guitarist on board, Mr. Larry Ash.  He joins the band in a time of much uncertainty - in fact, it's safe to say that this is BRR's darkest hou...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 05:48:00 GMT


Hey peeps!!! We are still looking for a drummer!!! If you think you have what it takes and you are keen, drop us a line!!!
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 03:00:00 GMT

We are looking for a new drummer & second guitarist!!

As you have previously heard, we are currently seeking a new drummer and guitarist. If you have what it takes to fill either of these rolls, leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as w...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 02:35:00 GMT

Tom and Ben Depart....

Drummer Tom Kilsby and Guitarist Ben Ewens have both decided to leave the band after our next show at Scorcherfest (Flinders Uni O'Ball)... They part on good terms and we wish them all the best for th...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Feb 2009 02:34:00 GMT

2009 - what is a slig...?

Welcome to the Year Of The Slig...So what does 2009 hold for yours truly...?Well, first of all, we're planning not one but two video clips for songs from "Crimson Deluxe".  We're shooting one ourselve...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 03:24:00 GMT

Liberatour summary...

So here we are, back from interstate... We left for Melbourne on Wednesday 22.  Our first gig was at the Espy Basement on Thursday 23.  Having already had our show pushed back an hour, we w...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 20:06:00 GMT


Salud! Well, we're slogging on with recording - half the vocals are done and most of the keyboards, with all guitars, bass and drums already laid down.  We've got a couple of guests coming in ov...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 04:51:00 GMT

Whinge-free blog shock

Hello. Sorry for whingeing last time out - I was feeling a bit maudlin.  Anyway, here's what's been going on in the BRR camp: Recording is progressing well; we're about 60% done.  We've be...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 08:24:00 GMT

Recording update plus drunken bollocks, July 2008

Hiya, creatures. Recording of the 2nd BRR album has commenced... we have all the drum tracks down, and most of the bass.  This shit is going to kick your arse like Mr. T on crack. And no, the alb...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 16:03:00 GMT