Well what to say about my interests, I have too many. I am very adventurous and like to try anything new. I love disney and go to the parks in California at least twice a year if not more. I love the beach, water sports, and love to travel. I have been to Europe once, and planning on returning again. I have a distinctive collection of movies, baseball cards, and I Love Lucy memorbilla. ..
If I got to meet any of my favorite musicians, actors, sport figures, or political figures they would be the following: Jimmy Buffett, Nsync, and Garth Brooks; actors would be Pierce Brosnan, Robin Williams, Jack Nicholson and Leonardo Dicaprio, sport figures would be Tony Gwynn, Nolan Ryan, Phil Mickelson, Andre Agassi, and Wayne Gretsky; political figures would be well lets not go in that direction. I have different sides as being a republican on political figures, but it would be a great thrill to meet Nelson Mandella.
Which 'Queer as Folk' Season One character are you?
Brian Kinney- Sex God
If you've never seen the show, shame on you, and you won't know how much of a SEX GOD Brian is. He is the epitimy of all hot, sexy, built....geez i get hot just thinking about him. You are what every woman wants, what every man wants or wants to be like. You are.....THE SEX GOD! (bows down to you, kissing you feet while you hear the song, i want you sex.) I LOVE YOU!
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Which High School Musical Character Would Be Your BFF?
You're really diverse. You have a multitude of interest which makes it difficult for you to be in just one clique of friends. That's why Troy is the perfect friend for you. He understands that people can have a variety of interests and he won't judge you for that. In fact, he'll probably join you for choir try outs as well as basketball practice.
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Well as you can tell, I mentioned some of my favorite musicans that I would love to meet, as they are also my type of music. But other types of music that I appreciate are: Opera, Classical, Musicals/Broadway, Country, Oldies, Disco, Classic Rock, Contemporary Rock, Alternative, Old School Rap, R&B, Soul, Techno, Hard Rock, and some Heavy Metal and Rap.
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As I mentioned some of my favorite actors that I would like to meet, I also appreciate all kinds of movies. Some of my favorite movies that I choose to be apart of my autobiography is part of AFI's 100 best movies: A Few Good Men, Some Like It Hot, Wizard of Oz, The Shinning, Fantasia, The Ten Commandments, La Bamba and many more. Furthermore, most movies arent alway appreciated by every individual. I am a sincere kinda guy that loves them all from the classics, musicals, western, comedies, drama, action/adventure, sci-fi, horror and of course disney movies. I am a child at heart and I will til the day I day. Long live Uncle Walt. .. width="425" height="350" ..
With most of today's new reality shows, alot of people are getting into the new rave of television shows. I like some of those shows such as The Apprentice and Casino. But the heart lies with syndicated family shows. Some of the new shows I enjoy watching is Father of the Pride and Joey. But I enjoy watching the reruns of Home Improvement, I Dream of Jennie, I Love Lucy and the shows that are still running in series such as Frasier and Will & Grace. .... ..
I'm not much of a book reader, but some books I can enjoy reading are the tales that Jimmy Buffett happens to write. Other authors that I enjoy reading their material of fiction and non-fiction is Tom Clancy, Stephen King, John Grisham, J.R.R. Tolkin and J.K. Rowling.
My heroes when I was growing up were the comic books heroes of Superman, Batman and GI Joes. Since then, my heroes has expanded to our armed forces of the military, air force, navy seals protecting our land, soil and freedom from the bad guys. Keep up the good work my brothers and sisters.