~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~ profile picture

~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~


About Me

Hello, my name is Ebonie I also like Ebonique!!! I am a 25 year old mother of two, trying to fulfill my dream of singing. Singing since before she could talk Ebonie's voice shines bright as the stars in the sky. Growing up Ebonie sung in every event she could find, she sang in a talent show when she was about 7 and did not win, and a winner decided to give Ebonie her trophy and she knew then to never give up. Ebonie became one of the First members of the Nationally acclaimed Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit as a featured soloist. Performing in plays such as Everybody Talkin', HeartBeat and What Fools these Mortals be to name a few. Mosaic was one of 3 organizations to recieve the Governer's Award for Arts and Culture. Mosaic has been apart of so many prestigious events, to name a few honoring Kosovo relief workers with President Bill Clinton, performing at the Kennedy Center, Easter at the White House, singing at several Tiger games, Al Gore, John Engler, former Mayor Dennis Archer, Ethel Kennedy, Jessye Norman, Al Green and Aretha Franklin. Performing with Mosaic throughtout her high school years left room for nothing but school and singing, and she loved every minute of it. At her high school she was asked to play the role Effie for the play Dreamgirls,but Mosaic kept her very busy, the last trip with Mosaic was to London, England and it was a treat. Her latest solo endeaver was the hit play "Ain't Nothin Promised" by Carey Williams and music by Brian Garrett. Ebonie played the role of "Queen" and blew the audience away with her performance of the song you hear now: "I'm Somebody Too".Myspace Layouts
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My Interests


Member Since: 3/19/2007
Band Website: myspace.com/duet313
Band Members: I am the only member of THIS BAND!!!! Hey Check me Out SinGinG A SNipet from one of my Fav SOngs...
Make Fortune Cookies at SeekCodes.com
Influences: My major influences would have to be 1st my father blasting Juke joints/blues songs and I am now addicted to them!!! My other influence would be Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, for teaching me so many things and helping me to grow!! I also would say the church was a major influence in my life, it taught me that nothing is Impossible!! My mom and Fam also. Musical influences would be: AL Green, Mary J, Faith, Kelly Price,Yolanda Adams, Aretha Franklin, Lathun, Carl thomas, MOnica and I could go on and on.....!!
Sounds Like: I would say that I am very versatile and it is a Blessing that I can sing like different artist, Like you know everybody can't sing a Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston or Jennifer Holliday or Kelly Price or Natalie Cole~ But I can!!!! An the honor goes to none other than him above!!!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Thanks for stopping By

Thank you so much for stopping by, I pray everyday that I can come closer to my dream of becoming a MegaStar and I know if I believe it will come to me, Thank you for all the support and kind words an...
Posted by ~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~ on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 07:37:00 PST

We ArE The FuTuRE!!!

..>   I was blessed with an oppurtunity to be apart of a wonderful project that is all about OUR FUTURE!!! Check out the website to see ME and OTHER GUEST ARTIST!!!! www.WATF.info "We Are Th...
Posted by ~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~ on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:27:00 PST

Hear Me ~SiNg~ Live FROM Interview with Ms. NiCoLe SteVenSoN

..>   Hello WOrld!!!Did u hear me live on InTernets hottest Radio SHow www.artistfirst.com with Nicole Stevenson????? iF NOT WHAT ARE U WAITING FOR, GO NOW .... cOPY/PASTE: http://66.49.247....
Posted by ~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~ on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:56:00 PST


Hey Everybody, listen for me on the show 'First Cut'- It is international First Cut and it airs live  www.artistfirst.com. Past guest Melba Moore, Authors  Mary Monroe, Donna Hill, Victoria ...
Posted by ~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~ on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:48:00 PST

Tryin to NETWORK!!

Hello to MYSPACE WORLD!!! I am all about Networking with people on myspace, so If i got a connect that can help me or Vice Versa , Let's make it HAPPEN!!!   EBONIE...
Posted by ~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~ on Sat, 19 May 2007 10:06:00 PST

Hair Problems??

Hair Problems Current mood: accomplished Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping         Do you want healthy hair? Ebonie can solve your problems!! Catering to women with hair growth...
Posted by ~~Beautiful Voice Lady~~ on Thu, 17 May 2007 09:22:00 PST