Member Since: 3/19/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: I am the only member of THIS BAND!!!!
Hey Check me Out SinGinG A SNipet from one of my Fav SOngs...
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Influences: My major influences would have to be 1st my father blasting Juke joints/blues songs and I am now addicted to them!!! My other influence would be Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, for teaching me so many things and helping me to grow!! I also would say the church was a major influence in my life, it taught me that nothing is Impossible!! My mom and Fam also. Musical influences would be: AL Green, Mary J, Faith, Kelly Price,Yolanda Adams, Aretha Franklin, Lathun, Carl thomas, MOnica and I could go on and on.....!!
Sounds Like: I would say that I am very versatile and it is a Blessing that I can sing like different artist, Like you know everybody can't sing a Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston or Jennifer Holliday or Kelly Price or Natalie Cole~
But I can!!!!
An the honor goes to none other than him above!!!
Type of Label: None