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Chat with me on IMVU and I'll Tell You All about Ralph and what interests "J.R. Nelson"
You've reached the official page Ralph The Young Eagle Prince and of selling children's series author, Joshua R. Nelson in The Last Eagle To Fly
The Last Eagle To Fly marks the first of many in a series by that name. This is a great book for kids! It teaches children about success and about learning the laws of life. This are SO pertainent to ones success that without knowing them, children may grow up without any dreams
See what one people are already saying about the book!What a phenominal book to teach our children and grandchildren the laws of life. The story of Ralph is inspiring and we should all want to have our families read this series of books in our homes.We believe that these books will be read to children around the world for years to come. This is an absolute home run!Reid and Yvonne Nelson (co-founders of Team Diamond)
As parents to 11 children, we have read many books to young people. One of the joys of a parent is being able to read a book to a child. The Ralph series may just be the next book that America falls in love with. J.R. Nelson might be the next Dr. Seuse. Dave and Valerie Johnson Business owners & founders of www.ruexcited.com
Ralph is the eldest, which at first was very perplexing to him...because he was the last to fly. Hence, Ralph The Young Eagle Prince in The Last Eagle To Fly. Denotes that he was the LAST to fly but should have been the first. Kids love the idea of flying. They have this inner universe, exploring all possibilities in their mind. To them flying is as much reality as is swimming, just that you do that in the air! Lydia Proschinger, Success Coach
It is about time that a childrens book with subject matter as important as this is presented to children and their parents. It is an easy read that also teaches children some very profound vocabulary words and their deep meanings. A highly recommended book for young developing minds_Gerry Robert Gerry Robert at GerryRobert.com This book series which is written by a new author, but J.R. Nelson teaches children boldly about thelaws of success
through these stories that uplift and inspire children to strive for their dreams. This series has been spawned by the hit movie,The Secret
as it deals with teaching YOUNGER people much earlier in life to visualize and attr"ACT" good things!It also reminds the parents that their dreams can come true too if they operate under the beleif that they can!
These laws are and always have been true and eternal. The truth of awareness sets free millions of people as the principles which are taught to both parents and children becomes a habit part of their lives.J.R. Nelson
invites all of you to invest in your futures as well as the futures of your children by owning copies of these
great books!
Once in a great while, a book like this one comes along and captures the hearts of an entire nation. This book is Ralph The Young Eagle Prince! This book belongs to you. Ralph captures the essence of freedom and discovery like none other has as our nations eagle...the symbol of our freedom.
Ralph soars as a symbol to everyone that the American Dream is alive and well and it is our honor to present to you such a fine series of stories!
It is what American's have been hoping to embrace for years and is now available to purchase anywhere online starting June of 2007. As well as being available via Authorhouse, it will also be found by Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com and by over 25,000 retailers online!P.S. You are welcome to sign up for my blog outside of myspace by clicking on the word
SPECIAL AUCTION for a copy of the final proof of the book before it goes into publishing!
Ralph The Young Eagle Prince in "The Last Eagle To Fly"
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Ralph, The Young Eagle Prince in "The Last Eagle To Fly
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