The Beautiful Schizophonic is the sound artist Jorge Mantas, a project dedicated to electronic ambient music, in the shape of romantic/emotional dronescapes. In 2007, The Beautiful Schizophonic released the debut album – “musicamorosa†– on Crónica, featuring guest artists such as Colleen. On the way is a new album with collaborations from Christina Vantzou from The Dead Texan, japanese sound artist Yui Onodera and Californian guitar ambient outfit Sleeping Me. The Beautiful Schizophonic has been performing live in electronic/experimental music festivals, in London, Porto and Lisboa.
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What they say about MUSICAMOROSA
“Crystalline yet combustible, gentle yet hard, the lyrical drone of this piece is of such an evanescence that it ultimately comes to resemble a luminous plasma.†Cyclic Defrost
â€It's a sweet album, a great album.†Vital Weekly
â€Links between love, melancholy and memory are invoked through digitised orchestrations speckled with electro-acoustic shadings. Musicamorosa’s drones are charged with harmonic iridescence.†Furthernoise
â€There is definitely a sense of the beatific agony, a dark-romantic thread surging through the whole of this CD.†Earlabs
â€Music for the awakening of the soul.†Igloo
â€Let‘s face it, Mantas is a true romantic.†Gaz-eta
â€Musicamorosa floats on the air, quite high, over there where it is calm, the solitude, silence, listening, the questions and of course the loving music [música amorosa], tender, subtle, that extends and travels beyond.†
â€A contender for one of the finest releases on Cronica in my opinion. This CD is a beautiful, relaxed and very, very deep piece of work. Bravo.†Smallfish
â€Cristalin et onirique.†D-Side
â€Sonische Extravaganz.†Skug
â€Quem aprecia ambientalismos electrónicos românticos e épicos pode dar por bem empregue o seu tempo com Musicamorosa, um dos melhores trabalhos até agora editados pela Cronica.†Distorsom
â€Très romantique, appunto.†Blow Up
â€Musicamorosa consegue apreender e comunicar a aura romântica da solidão interior do indivÃduo no acto de criação.†Jazz e Arredores
â€Very delicate drones, fluctuating atmospheres, rarefied ambient scores and glitches, fragments of a literary infused in romantic empathy, 'heart throbs' and melancholic visions.†Neural
â€L'attenzione di Mantas si focalizza quindi, con esiti discreti ma non essantanti, sulla capacità dei suoi atmosferici soundscape e ambient drone melodici di comunicare genuine emozioni con languida e sensuale malinconia.†Rumore
â€I would recommend this disc to anybody into Dead Texan, latest Beequeen or Stephan Mathieu, and melancholic electronica in general - it hardly gets any better than this, me thinks.†Chain D.L.K.
â€Un trabajo de frágil belleza.†Suburban-Lab
â€Existe qualquer coisa de infinitamente nobre no poeta que exercita solitariamente a sua verve zeloso de que os outros possam aproveitá-la acompanhados.†Bodyspace
“Musicamorosa è sicuramente un bel disco.†Sands-zine
Complete reviews can be found here:
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