ABZTRAQT Sir Q was born in 2005,a group of muzicianz from all around the world, living to play for you, a mix of nature soundz with eclectic noizez of our dreaming time. Andy Newman iz the drummer thundering the time of life. Egon Crippa the bass guitar sparkling the echo in major tone. Mundina Moruniq iz the vocal sound waving the melody heart. Peter Shuy playz the electric guitar fleeting in the sky-line. They settled in the Xing Palace Place, with itz beautiful Qorn-pop garden in the Xing Xu island, somewhere in the Far East, to give birth to songz for the world to listen. From the past to right now, to intercross the universe with happiness and freedom, ASQ born till the end not ever ending, the infinite return, the ones to be one only, the Abztraqt Sir Q...........................................................
ABZTRAQT SIR Q nasceu em 2005. Um grupo de musicos cujos destinos se cruzaram no Extremo Oriente, algures entre o ruido da metropole e o murmurio da natureza.
Andy Newman, o baterista pedante.
Egon Crippa, o baixista esquivo.
Mundina Moruniq, a vocalista exibicionista.
Peter Shuy, o guitarrista neurotico.
Fechados no seu proprio mundo, o Xing Palace Place e o seu magnifico jardim, desconstroem cancoes e deixam-se embalar pela cacofonia.
Inventam-se dialectos, reinventa-se a ortografia, subverte-se a fonetica, recusam-se as convencoes.
No procuram o obvio mas acabam por encontra-lo...**********************************************
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