Svanlund Design, fashion company from Malmoe, Sweden. Established the 16th of December 1996 with designing clothes and styling for musicians and local entertainers. Our speciality is working with leather fashion, in best quality.
After several years with special customized work, Svanlund Design launched its first Collection at MagicShow in Las Vegas, Februari, 2004. The Collection "Chrome" was a success, and can be found in many Boutiques around USA and Europe. After the Magicshow in Vegas, the company was invited to attend at a fashionrunway on Manhattan, New York.
In 2006 July 29th, the first Svanlund Design Boutique had a premier opening night, downtown in Malmoe, Djäknegatan 2.
In the shop You can always find the latest designs first, before it goes out to the fashionfairs.
Svanlund Design have the honour and pleasure to work with several musicbands and artist around the world. The inspiration from working with bands, to bring out the design, so close to the edge as possible, also shows in the leather fashion collections.
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Svanlund Design Leather Fashion
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This is a short videoclip from 1996 a TV spot from TVMalmoe.
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