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I model for fun and for money. I do photo shoots that give me something to my portfolio. If you want me to do something for you that I have already done you are going to have to pay. That's how life works and we all have to eat, Right?
If it's different and something that will stand out feel free to ask.
And yes I'm willing to travelRegards Osannda Alternative/Fashion modelA Girl, A model, and everything that comes whit the two!
Well not everything, I Do think by my self, I'm not a total bitch. I do things that everybody does to. I have a day job, I never get to live out my dreams. well a part of them at least I get to do.
I love animals, nature, cartoons, facts (yes straight up facts, weird hu?), I do enjoy my computer it's my key to the rest of the world. I'm a bit of a loner, I like my own time and I some times seam to shy away form all of the world.
I feel bad about the way I look when I have a bad day. I'm never perfect, That's why I love photos, you can hide the part that you don't like and just show the ones that you do like, and then you have that picture for ever and when ever you feel bad about your self or when your old you can take out that pictuer look at it and say well I looked good that day at least.
well That's about all the odd facts your going to get about me right now.
What am i looking for?
photographers, stylist, models, designers, make up artist, designers, well any one that can give me a boost, teach me some thing new or just entertain me =)
I'm very interested in japanes culture. both old and new.
my self I'm a bit of a minimalist but I want to learn how to make it look good like they do.
Please someone teach me
tool, system of a down, riddle, technohead, naploleon, NIN, infected muschrom, shpongle, nickelback, clasical. A mix of diffrent things and thats the way i like it
Can you find me in the clip ^^
My Two Favorite books are Inferno and Vita nova.
I have Inferno in a pocket edition whit illustrations in Latin, and it is one of my most treasured possessions.
further more i collect old books Preferably they should be older than a 100 years.
I want to create an Library in my future house were i can sit and read all of the old books.
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