I don't like writing paragraphs about myself but I'll make an effort. I love music, it's the most important thing in my life. And it has always been there for me.I also like fashion, I think it's the second best means of expression of your personality. You might speak a certain phrase but your clothes will make the message come across. And I love the fact that it keeps on going permanently, always into the future. No rest!I find this very inspiring when applying it to music creation.There are also chocolate and desserts, which I cannot live without for certain periods of my life. I wonder why that is ... I smoke and drink but I can easily spare them in a party.My friends are very important for me and I cherish them with all my heart. I find them all to be very special human beings. Fascinating human beings.My parents are the best parents one could wish for. I wish I could see them more often, time flies as each of us keeps on going with their life.The USA is a whole chapter in my life since I was there for 6 years but never liked it. I come from Peru, though, and those are another big two chapters. Now, I'm fine in France, I feel I can be as I wish and still will be able to relate to other people. Harder in the American continent....My fave colour is red and I enjoy going out for dinner, to a great concert, clubbing or hanging around with friends at my place or their place. Normal stuff. I don't enjoy the cinema lately. I hate to sit down and watch!I still enjoy going to a great recordstore, as if it were an adventure, and come across a rare CD which also happens to be great and fit for that moment I'm living.---You can check out my new songs in the Videos section and my website www.carloshernan.com ---