The founder of the Christian Palace International Ministry – Pastor Michael Obeng Anyang was born at Accra in Ghana West Africa in the year 1981. He is the forth born to Mr. Joseph Obeng Anyang, a very successful and wealthy man and fully committed member of “Church of Pentecost at New York Bronx Assemblyâ€.
The name of the church, “ THE CHRISTIAN PALACE MINISTRY “ came about through revelation and was formed by a group of five (5). The church was inaugurated in a small temple in Stone Mountain.
These people were: Brother Ben Tawiah, Bro. Joseph Essien, Auntie Hannah Ngwa, Associate Pastor Joe Blay and Pastor Michel obeng
When new members started coming there was the need to form a strong prayer group that must be dynamic. This was done and 7 men and women of reputation were enrolled as members. It was then decided that all the new members should do 3-days fasting before members were initiated into the prayed group.
On the second(2) day of their intensive fasting, however Satan entered the mind of one of the brothers to create a big confusion. He accused the pastor of preaching against him and also accused a fellow church mother of making announcement against him. The announcement is “We must find a new place for Pastor Mike to stay because he needs his own privacy. Mean while the pastor was staying with that brother in the same apartment.
He advised his followers to stop coming to the church which they did The prayer groups there collapsed as membership of the church was reduce to ten(10) this was to fulfill the prophecy which was read to the congregation from the beginning that Some of the pioneer’s would fall out. When that time comes it would appear to many that the church would collapse. Fear not or be not discourages. This church that I am putting my on will never collapsed. I the lord shall bring you more people to be kept and it would be a wonder unto many.
During these periods, memberships of the church was less than ten(10) Almost everybody was discouraged and dismayed. A few were however hopeful and faithful that God’s word will one day come to pass.
By the 28th of March 2006 church attendance became very encouraging. The room was full to capacity. This was fulfills the prophecy spoken through the pastor Today many of the converts were healed through sickness this also shows a further fulfillment of God’s message to this church members.
The same time the devil has also made some of the members disobedient to the word of faith. They backslided and gave up/ some false aposties also infiltrated into the congregation and lead some people astray whilst some other members created division gossiping slandering etc. All these were the activities of the devil(satan) planned to destroy the Kingdom of God but we shall overcome (2 cor. 2:11) says, “ Because we are aware of the devils schemes. We would not allow this to take advantage over us “ We are aware of devils schemes. We would notallow them to take advanced over us. We believed through constant prayers and fasting obeying the voice of god seeking his grace for direction this church shall grow to overcome all these trials and temptation.
We ask every member to show commitment diligence and devotion in God’s work in this Ministry so that one day all those who persevere to run the race to the end with us will receive a golden crown from there Lord Revelation (22:12)
And behold, I come quickly : and my reward is with me (Jesus) to give every man according as his work shall be.
God bless this church, and shepherd it to victory so that no one’s toil will be in vain.
We shall overcome. God said it, it shall come to pass (jeremiah 1:12)