Member Since: 3/8/2007
Influences: william burroughs, henry michaux, rock & roll, nam june paik, luigi russolo, steina and woody vassulka, mário de sá-carneiro, marcel duchamp, david bowie, john cage, guttenberg, iggy pop, jean cocteau, jim morrison, piranesi, brian eno, david sylvian, einesturzende neubauten, marquis de sade, punk, hieronymus bosch, freud, can, david cronenberg, ian mckewan, chris cunningham, pierre henry, m. c. escher, naked city, steve reich, lautreámont, jimi hendrix, stockhausen, patty smith, aphex twin, kraftwerk, thomas edison, microscopic life, sex, the stars and the rest of the cosmos, visual noise and sonic, baudelaire, proust, oscar wilde, jack kerouac, frank zappa, the elfs, the body, the sickness, the machines, the sea, the chance, the error, the doubt, the uncertainty...
Sounds Like: the street
or the top of the mountains
or inside your brain
or inside a broken machine
digitalscratcher - enternoisemix
Type of Label: None