Stop the Violence, its time to Fight Back and Defend yourself!NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!!! We are please to present to you our new service and partners in protection. ADT Monitored 24-7 Alarm Systems. Now you can have the exact level of monitored protection that the United States White House has with an ADT security and safety system designed specifically for your home. Read below for more details, then contact us right away for your property and family's Security Survey.About ADT Security, the newest First Defense partner,ADT Will Customize a Security System Specifically for You:An ADT professional working hand in hand with First Defense will ask some questions and perform an ADT Needs Analysis to understand your family's security needs which will helps us determine a security system that will meet your needs.The ADT Needs Analysis gives us a more complete and detailed understanding of you and your family's home security needs. We'll ask you questions about your specific security concerns, your family, your home and your neighborhood. The more we know about you and your home, the better prepared we are to determine a system that helps meet your needs.ADT Home Monitoring System for Deterrence, Minimizing Loss, Confrontation Avoidance and Fire Protection.
When burglars see the ADT yard sign, they know the home is well protected and are likely to move on to an easier target. Burglars are opportunistic - they will target only the most vulnerable homes, and are unlikely to challenge an ADT security system. So the ADT yard sign and window sticker deliver a powerful message and strong deterrent.Minimizing Loss
Should a burglar choose to challenge an ADT security system, a loud siren alerts homeowners to danger. Recognizing time is limited, the intruder will need to flee or risk being caught. This leaves very little opportunity for theftConfrontation Avoidance
An ADT system protects your home when you're not there, and protects you and your family when you are. By deterring burglars, or sounding an alarm to alert you of their presence, the system gives you an opportunity to react without having to confront the intruder.Fire Protection
ADT's monitored smoke detectors utilize both photoelectric and heat-sensing technologies. With this technology, ADT smoke detectors can detect and alert you and the fire department to a smoldering fire in its early stages, whether you are at home or away.Please contact us at 1-731-444-4442 or E-mail us at
[email protected] to place, drop ship, inquire on an order pending or current prices and catalogs.
We accept all major credit cards, personal checks or money orders. Please allow 10-14 days for personal check to clear before shipping order. Credit Card orders are shipped same day.Stun Guns, Mace, Knives, Pepper Sprays, Diversion Safes, Advanced Tasers, Personal Alarms, and Spy And Surveillance Equipment For Homes Or Businesses...First of all, this is a very IMPORTANT business, because we get to do something very important for families and business owners and society...
CRIME is real. Women who are assaulted or raped…families whose homes are invaded...the damage done to people this way goes far beyond just the loss of money or jewelry. And, for the most part, the police can only get involved after the damage has been done. We at First Defense are the real first line of defense suppliers and educators. We can train and equip people to protect themselves, their loved ones, their homes and businesses.RAPE:Rape is a systemic problem of abuse, domination, and violence that negatively affects us all. We have traditionally viewed it as solely a "women’s problem;" yet this deflects blame from the perpetrators and root causes by holding the victim responsible for the crime. Moreover, it completely ignores the fact that rape is also a men’s problem: It’s the friend’s problem, the dad’s problem, and certainly the rapist’s problem. Men are also rape victims. It's time we deal with this problem. Here at First Defense Security & Safety Products we can give you the fighting edge over your would-be-rapist. If you have already feel victim to this coward’s crime, we can give you the self confidence and secure feeling to walk out in the open again without fear. Look at the statistics below, then look at our impressive Personal Defense Product line and call us at your earliest convenience to place your order and start getting your life back.STATISTICS DON’T LIE!!!!!Statistics and Facts:*"An estimated one in six or 230,000 Oregon women have experienced rape at least once in their lifetime. (End Sexual Violence Oregon)."* 22% of all rape victims are between the usual college ages of 18-24. (Kilpatrick, et al., 1992.)* In a study surveying more than 6,000 students at 32 colleges and universities in the U.S., 84% knew their attacker, and 57% of the rapes happened on dates. (Warshaw, 1994.)*77% of completed rapes are committed by someone who is known to the victim. (Bureau of Justice Statistics. Sex Offenses and Offenders, 1997. U.S. Department of Justice.)*75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in date rape had been drinking or using drugs. (Koss, 1998. "Hidden rape: Incident, Prevalence and descriptive characteristics of sexual aggression and victimization in a national sample of college students." Rape and Sexual Assault, Vol.2.)*"Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police (CASAS)."Super Door Stop
Use this alarm to block a door from being opened. If anyone tries to open the door, this 120bd alarm will sound. Alarm shuts off when pressure is released from door stop plate. the alarm is pressure sensitive and also works as a door jam, Uses one 9 volt battery.MACE Screecher Personal Alarm
Screecher aerosol alarm emits an "ear-piercing" blast readily recognized as an emergency call for help. Its high-pitched shriek can be heard up to a 1/4 mile away. Convenient size for purse or pocket. 10 gram unit has a push-top activator. Contains approximately 30 short blasts.Electronic Watch Dog
This unique alarm system uses the same technology as some police radar systems! With microwave technology, it is able to "see" through walls to determine when someone is approching and how close they are. When an intruder comes within 20 ft, it begins barking like an angry German Shepherd. The closer they come, the more frequent and more threatening the barking becomes.This is not something most people do of their own initiative. They don't get up in the morning and say "Let's go over to Wal-Mart and buy some non-lethal self-defense products." People NEED TO KNOW WHERE THEY CAN FIND these products. Which is where First Defense Personal Security and Safety Products come in. Take a good look at some of our Mega Hot items, these are our most popular sellers:Hot WalkersIncludes FREE replacement pepper spray canister.Hot Walkers- 1 pound walking weights with built-in 10% pepper spray for self-defense. Elastic Hand Straps for support. Storage compartment for keys and money. Foam covered hand grips for comfort. Cleans with soap and water.Features:* 2 x one pound walking weights
* Built-in 10% pepper spray canister
* Elastic hand straps for support
* Storage compartment for keys and money
* Foam covered hand grips for comfort
* Cleans with soap and water
* Includes FREE replacement pepper spray canisterNOTE: Pepper spray cannot be shipped to Washington State or Massachusetts.
Please Use Alternate Shipping Address.Wildfire 15% Pepper Spray
1.5oz Spray w/identifying dye, belt clip and safety lock.WildfireWildfire 15% Pepper Spray. This pepper spray is hot, hot, hot... 15% pepper and 2 million scoville heat units. These units come with an injection molded key-chain holster with belt-clip, dye for easy assailant identification and safety lock. The 1/2 ounce is available in red, blue and black. The 1.5 ounce is available in black only.Blue 4 gram fogger unit sprays up to 5 feet. Also available in red, pewter, black & purple. Refills available. Contains 3, one second bursts.And,Pepper Mace® Pocket:
Formula Approved in All 50 States! Easy aim feature makes this model ideal for emergency use. Compact design and fingergrip dispenser fits comfortably in woman's hand. This 11 gram stream unit sprays 6-12 feet. This model contains no UV Dye. Keychain Included. Contains 5, one second bursts.
Bear Pepper Mace®
Great news for outdoor enthusiasts! Now you can protect yourself against possible bear attacks, with safe, humane Pepper Mace® This 260 gram fogger sprays up to 30 feet. Empties in 5.4 seconds.Stun Guns use high voltage and low amperage to temporarily disable an attacker for several minutes.
The stun gun does not rely on pain for results. The energy stored in the gun is dumped into the attacker's
muscles causing them to do a great deal of work rapidly. This work cycle instantly depletes the attacker's
blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid. In short, he is unable to function properly. The stun gun also
interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control and direct voluntary muscle movement. When the
attacker's neuromuscular system is overwhelmed and controlled by the stun gun he loses his balance.
Should the attacker be touching you, the current will NOT pass to your body!
We are a Division of the World-Wide known Fugitive Bureau Inc.
Well known and successful Recovery Agent (Bounty Hunter) and dynamic visionary Rick Foster, has been the Bureau's Director and CEO since it's incorporation in July of 2004. Hundreds of agents from all over the world have attended and requested Rick's valuable training and have depended on his First Defense product line for continued non-lethal weapons and surveillance equipment and career support materials.All products come with personalized training and continued support and upgrade notification features. First Defense exist solely to prevent crime where possible and to save lives when they are threatened. We guarantee 100% Customer Satisfaction in our entire operation.First Defense has gotten thank you letters galore...from women who drove off attackers in parking lots at night thanks to having one of our products and knowing how to use it...parents who caught babysitters or nannies doing dangerous or inappropriate things with their children, thanks to our "nanny-cam" spy owners who caught the employee who was stealing from them by using our camera systems.
Big city, small town, even rural communities. Meth labs are hidden in rolling hills of small town areas - soon meth addicts are breaking into homes, hijacking cars, where violent crime was unheard of only a year ago.RAPES...There were 94,635 reported rapes in 2004. The highest percentage of rape is in the Northeast. July is when the greatest number of rapes occur.ROBBERIES...There were 401,326 robberies in 2004. Highest percentage of these (38%) were in the South. 42% of the robberies occurred on the streets, 14% occurred in homes.ASSAULT...There were 854,911 incidents of aggravated assault. Firearms were used for 19.3% of the assaults, knives or cutting instruments 18.6%, other weapons (clubs, blunt objects, etc.) 35.6% and personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) accounted for 26.6% of the assaults.CAR JACKINGS...There are around 38,000 car jackings each year. 74% of the victims faced a weapon. About 63% of carjacking incidents occurred within 5 miles of the victim's home, including 17% that occurred at or near the home...sometimes in their own driveway. Only 4% occurred more than 50 miles from the victim's home. It's obvious there is a need for these products.
Emergencies can occur anywhere, and preparedness mattersThink Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. God forbid you'd be caught there, as a homeowner, worker or tourist. But if you were, thrown out into the streets to fend for yourself and protect your family, you'd be a lot better off with a taser, stun gun or at least MACE in your pocket.We even have specialty items like Guard Alaska Bear Repellant Spray for hunters....or the NapZapper, an over-the-ear alarm that awakens a drowsy driver.There's something for every business in our catalogs!The long haul truck driver, delivery van driver or traveling salesman: they need a security product for their car, a portable door alarm for their hotel or motel room door. Parents need nanny-spy-cams, voice intercom systems. Every homeowner needs safes to hide valuables. And on and on.