Movies, Music, Video games, people that make me laugh. width="450" height="400" ..
People who are opinionated, yet open-minded. People who enjoy the beauty of the smaller things in life, the art of nature. People who take interest and action in the world around them. People whose interest extends the confines of their own existence.
MUSE (which I feel might be the greatest band ever) I've been listening to Bloc Party, Arcade Fire, & the Shins a lot lately. But I still have a love for the stuff that helped me grow up... Jimmy Eat World, Green Day, Jurassic 5, N.E.R.D., Weezer, DMB, The Dead Milkmen, They Might Be Giants, 847, The Killers, Cake, RADIOHEAD, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Queen, Prince, The Used, The Foo Fighters, Soundgarden/Audioslave, Fenix TX, Brand New, Homegrown, Cuesta Drive, System of a Down, Billy Idol, UL, DHC, all kinds of stuff.
Just about everything. David Fincher is great. Thigs where stuff explodes is exciting, character driven small films. I'll almost enjoy anything I see.
LOST, Heroes, Rescue Me, Life, things here and there,
And finally, Battlestar Galactica. Watch it!
Looking at my bookshelf, most of my my books are textbooks. However I do have some literature here... Fahrenheit 451 (a favorite, if not THE favorite... Bradbury kicks ass), The Left Hand of Darkness, Frankenstein, every book by Tolkein (geek!), Palahniuk, and about 12 dozen plays from the Hellenistic Age to the present.
Sir Noel Coward, Ewan McGregor, Your mom.