Thin White Duchess profile picture

Thin White Duchess

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.-Jack Kerouac

IF YOU DON'T HAVE ME IN YOUR TOP 8, YOU ARE A DAMNED FOOL. I won't get mad at you if you don't include me though.

I'll just feel bad for you, because you have awful taste in girls.

The three most important things to remember about me:

I am a better pirate than you.

I am always generous, especially when it comes to sharing your fries with you.

Anytime I am not acting, and you ask me what I want to do, the answer will be "acting".

My Interests

acting and art and dancing and music and making a fool of myself and talking to strangers and making trouble and playing tag and stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Bohemians. Artists. My evil twin. Dinosauruses. Shakespeare. Ford Prefect.


Do you really want to get into this? ok... off the top of my head. Ben Folds/Five, Jump Little Children, Fiona Apple, Man Man, Rufus Wainwright, The Decemberists, Regina Spektor, The Shins, Beck, Bjork, The Ramones, Dresden Dolls, Liz Phair, Mr Bungle, Fantomas, Faith No More, Lovage, Blur, Otis Redding, Tom Petty, Tom Waits, Tom Jones,The Cure, Modest Mouse, Neutral Milk Hotel, David Bowie, Queen (oh man, how much do I love Freddie Mercury?!?), Radiohead, The Books, Phill Baldwin,Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath, The Smiths, Oingo Boingo... lotsa different musics. I dunno. My interests run from 1960s indian surf music (no, really) to 80s metal buttrawk to boys with acoustic guitars and too many feelings.Ask me if I like it.Cause I probably do.


All of them, dude. American Psycho. Adaptation. American Beauty. Neverending Story. Labyrinth. Breakfast at Tiffany's. Pretty much every musical ever made. Versus. Tank Girl. Royal Tenenbaums. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Science of Sleep. Forbidden Zone. Herbert West:Reanimator. A Life Less Ordinary. Star Wars. Wet Hot American Summer. El Tigre Diablo and the Curse of the Golden Skull. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Television: Does my boxed DVD set of BBC's "The Office" count? Here. have a cute thing instead.
adopt your own virtual pet!


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series (anything Douglas Adams), The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, A Clockwork Orange, anything by Kurt Vonnegut, Illusions by Richard Bach, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Nifeneger, anything by Roald Dahl, 1984, plays by Noel Coward, Shakespeare, Edward Albee, Bertold Brecht, Christopher Durang, blahblahblah I really like books. A LOT.


Victor Ciccone, Ferris Bueller, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Tank Girl, Mata Hari, Anne Bonny and El Tigre Diablo.But especially Andy Hoover.

My Blog

la roomies/job search

Ok so here's the deal.Yet again, I'm getting ready to move, this time to LA. I'm aiming for June/July but that's flexible.Here are my two really important questions:Is anyone going to be looking for a...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:42:00 PST

the test tube lady

I'm in a show. It's going to be weird as shit. you should come see it!Info is here: ichael York, y'all. Come check it out.
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:43:00 PST


In an effort to keep all of you guys in the loop...Obituary and info on services. I'll be in Sac on Tuesday night and all of Wednesday. Love to you all. +++++++++++++++++++++ Andy's Obituary This o...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:12:00 PST

this is being staged

Hey guys.I know this is a long shot for about 90% of you, but on the offchance that you HAPPEN to be planning on being down in Southern California near the end of February.........I am in a show at UC...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 02:00:00 PST

The monster is coming...

Jan 11th. Monster from Bikini Beach at the fabulous Crest theatre in downtown Sacramento!Seriously guys. Come see it. A LOT of people (including myself) poured themselves into this project for over a...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 02:14:00 PST


I'm pretty sure the sound on my phone is broken, and that's why I didn't wake up this morning.Someone just called me and the phone went "skk!" really quickly instead of ringing, and then was silent.If...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 04:17:00 PST

All aboard for hell.

Been meaning to post this for a while.To find out what I've been up to theatre-wise, check this shit out. There's a full gallery, too. famer-retu...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:49:00 PST

Still homeless.

STILL looking for rad people who need roomies in the Orange County area (Irvine, specifically). I'm going to UCI and I need somewhere to live. For reals.If you are looking or you know someone who is l...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 05:28:00 PST

A blog...

Just in case you missed my bulletin. (yes, this shit is that important.) The Landlord, by Will Ferrell. ...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:43:00 PST

Your space, and if I belong there.

Myspace is such a weird place to live. I feel really strange about the "top friends" feature.  I always have. Here's why. It's not because I feel bad if I'm not in someone's top friends.  Ob...
Posted by Thin White Duchess on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 03:54:00 PST