mor fee us profile picture

mor fee us


About Me

.bemused of human folly.

couples that wear matching outfits
are the coolest people on the planet:

My Interests

I listen to conservative talk radio to remind myself that I live in a country filled with lunatics.
And by "lunatics"...
I mean Rush Limbaugh and "Dr. Laura".
Actually, any individual that uses their first name in sequence with their doctrine title [ie: Dr. Phil, Dr. Keith] should not be trusted and/or deprived of oxygen.

The smell of cigarette smoke makes me homicidal.

I am not fond of the "in-between" seasons.

People that are easily offended, are a waste of DNA.

p.s. My fella is awesome.
neener. neener.

I'd like to meet:

[more] Indigo Children.
Souls that have successfully "unlearned".


It irritates me when people "express themselves" by smearing song lyrics [via copy & paste] all over their profile.
Create your own.

I like to go through phases where I listen to the same artist(s) for a month straight.
Every single day.
In, and out of my car.
Until I master every chord-change of every instrument.
And every lyric of every song.
Then never listen to it again.
[Or I just scratch the CD]

I like Pianos.
I like vocal harmonies.
I like live music.

I like to look at rockstars with good hair and tattoos.

Anyone who likes Creed should go jump off a bridge.


I can not sit through a movie if my life depended on it.
...and I have recently realized that my reasoning behind avoiding cinema, is that I get far too emotionally involved in the storyline, thus, leading me to literally yell at the characters and/or demand that they make better choices and decisions.
I also brutally critique acting talent and abilities, as if I could do better.
To say the least... I have to watch movies alone.

...she erratically digs through her purse like I do.

I can recite the movie Field of Dreams word for word.
Remember when Kevin Costner used to be a respectable actor?


This Guy:



you. them. us.


My Blog

self-worth: generation not-so-much

How much are you worth? Ten thousand bucks? A six pack of beer? Fourteen bars of gold? If you were held at ransom& what would be the collateral? &and who would fork over the goods?   What if ...
Posted by mor fee us on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:26:00 PST

un idioma del amor; tácito

Ayacucho, Peru.Puericultorio Orphanage; mi propósito...if you look closely, you can see my resilience. jesus. wise men. shepherds. grace.marvelous. adoration.home.wa...
Posted by mor fee us on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:15:00 PST

Satan's Chariot.

The Segway:       Okay, seriously...screw these things.   Am I the only one that is enraged over this atrocious (slash) space age (slash) dorky personal transporter? Folks, th...
Posted by mor fee us on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 02:36:00 PST

On Doosh Bags....

Yes...I spell it with an "SH"... so do not call me out on it. As I have said before... I refuse to give such a filthy word, a fancy, French spelling. And I'm pretty sure that this video is EPIC. That ...
Posted by mor fee us on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 01:31:00 PST

Spewing Whatever.

I am normally not one to write blogs with depth and profound thought; for fear that the CIA may come after me for questioning.  However, I was slightly inspired by my friends that have written si...
Posted by mor fee us on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 03:55:00 PST