Tips on how to fend off The Orange Menace:
1. First try to resolve the issue with Cingular. You can do that by dialing 611 on your phone and being placed on hold forever and tossed from one customer representative to another.
2. Contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB). If the customer service representative cannot solve your problem or tells you they will call you back regarding your problem then visit to file a complaint. That should help you get their atttention.
3. File a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). To do so, check out
4. Is your complaint highly unusual? If so, please report it to . These guys did an incredible job sharing my story with their readers.
5. If you can think of what else can be done let me know. I will add it to this list.
Stan Sigman, Cingular CEO
Anything but ring tones.
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
"Concern should drive us into action and not into a depression."