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The Libertarian Party

Smaller government.... fewer taxes.... more freedom....

About Me

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The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States. Millions of Americans have voted for Libertarian Party candidates in past elections throughout the country, despite the fact that many state governments place every imaginable roadblock in our path in order to keep our candidates off the ballot and deprive voters of a real choice.
Libertarians believe the answer to America's political problems is the same commitment to freedom that earned America its greatness: a free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings; a dedication to civil liberties and personal freedom that marks this country above all others; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade as prescribed by America's founders.
What began with a small group of activists in Colorado has become America's third largest political party. We are proud of our heritage and the progress we have made since 1971. And the best is yet to come!
The Libertarian Party is America's third largest and fastest growing political party. Libertarians engage in a variety of projects, working for everyone's liberty on every issue.
The Libertarian Party was created in December of 1971 by people who realized that the politicians had strayed from America's original libertarian foundation, with disastrous results. Their vision was the same as that of America's founders -- a world where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, a world of peace, harmony, opportunity, and abundance.
Libertarians are practical; we know we can't make the world perfect. But, it can be better. Libertarians will keep working to create a better, freer society for everyone. As William Allen White said: "Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it to others."
The politicians in Washington and our state capitals have led us away from the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility which are the only sound foundation for a just, humane, and abundant society.
Government at all levels is too large, too expensive, woefully inefficient, arrogant, intrusive, and downright dangerous. Democratic and Republican politicians have created the status quo and do not intend to change it.
    Substantially reduce the size and intrusiveness of government and cut all taxes.

    Let peaceful, honest people offer their goods and services to willing consumers without a hassle from government.

    Let peaceful, honest people decide for themselves what to eat, drink, read, or smoke and how to dress, medicate themselves, or make love, without fear of criminal penalties.

    The U.S. government should defend Americans and their property in America and let the U.S. taxpayer off the hook for the defense bill of wealthy countries like Germany and Japan.

My Interests

The Libertarian Party is your representative in American politics. It is the only political organization which respects you as a unique and competent individual.

Libertarians believe in the American heritage of liberty, enterprise, and personal responsibility. Libertarians recognize the responsibility we all share to preserve this precious heritage for our children and grandchildren.

Libertarians believe that being free and independent is a great way to live. We want a system which encourages all people to choose what they want from life; that lets them live, love, work, play, and dream their own way.

The Libertarian way is a caring, people-centered approach to politics. We believe each individual is unique. We want a system which respects the individual and encourages us to discover the best within ourselves and develop our full potential.

The Libertarian way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-ownership. Each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. Government's only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.

The Libertarian Party is for all who don't want to push other people around and don't want to be pushed around themselves. Live and let live is the Libertarian way.

Americans want, and deserve, a political system which respects them as unique individuals; as people who can make their own plans, who can take responsibility for themselves, who are compassionate, and who can and will solve their own problems if allowed to do so.

Most Americans, after some thought, prefer the Libertarian option in politics. Most people in their private, non-governmental, affairs deal with each other on the libertarian premise of mutual respect. You don't threaten your neighbors with fines or jail just because they choose careers or lifestyles different than yours.

Let's hold government to the same standard. Protect us and our rights, and give us the respect we deserve.

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We know that can be a tough question as you may have heard many different definitions of the word "libertarian" or maybe you met a few people who identify themselves as such.Let's see what Webster's has to say about it:

Pronunciation: "[li-b&r-'ter-E-&n]
Function: noun
1:an advocate of the doctrine of free will
2: a)a person who upholds the principles of absolute and unrestricted liberty especially of thought and action b)capitalized : a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles

While many may quibble with the definition, we think it's close enough.

Simply put, if you believe that you are responsible for yourself and your family, and not the government, then you belong with us.

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LP Links

Official Website of the Libertarian National CommitteeLibertarians on the Air!Gun Owners of AmericaLibertarianism: To African-AmericansLibertarianism: To the Latino CommunityLibertarianism: To WomenLi...
Posted by The Libertarian Party on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 11:48:00 PST

Time for Action!

We hope you can see the benefits of living in that America envisioned by the founders and by their political heirs, today's Libertarians. We hope you will want to join the Libertarian Party and becom...
Posted by The Libertarian Party on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 11:01:00 PST