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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It is my goal to address the urban social condition by creating stories regarding modern day situations. While writing worldly stories using believable characters, timely dialogue, humor and honesty (as we know it) I have been able to filter in direct or underlying spiritual messages that we can all benefit from. As thanks for the gift of creativity, it will always be my primary objective to encourage spiritual growth. I am confident that I have accomplished that goal with this debut novel.
Aspiring R&B singer Mezina Gantt and former lingerie model, Taylor Harmon have been best friends since high school. Now in their early twenties and waitresses at one of Atlanta’s hippest and most exclusive four-star restaurants, they are ‘effortlessly’ what most women can only dream of becoming. They are gorgeous, ambitious and ‘most wanted’ by only the best of Atlanta’s single black men. Including, top advertising executive Kevin Terrell, Superstar R&B singer Neko Williams and their sexy, could- be- model co-worker, Darron Jordan. Together, in order to remain at the top of their game, these women find themselves subconsciously sacrificing everything that is morally correct. Often times, including their friendship. Unfortunately, they live day to day not realizing that the energy needed to nourish their flesh has left them with dehydrated souls. As a result, they learn the hard way the price of mismanaged youth. Will they be able to turn their lives around before they self-destruct? This story tells of their attempt at life long spiritual happiness while living in a world consumed with a hearty appetite for a good time.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

JESUS...But in the meantime...Michael Baisden(that's what sexy is to me), JOE(love you..lol),Tyrese, Jamie Foxx, Mr.Right(I'm not getting any younger), Will and Jada, E.Lynn Harris, Susan Taylor, Terry McMillan,Gabrielle Union,Hill Harper, Dallas Austin,Angela Bassett,Lyfe,Beyonce,John Singleton,Kenny Leon,Shelly Garrett and Jay-Z.


Neo Soul, Gospel, Jazz, R&B, Jay-Z.;)


'Claudine', 'Car Wash' and 'Love Jones' are my all time favorites.


HGTV,Friday Night Smackdown,WWE RAW,ExtremeMakeover/Home Edition,Cheaters, Bernie Mac, Girlfriends, The Game, Sanford and Son, G.Garvin, America's Next Top Model, Our World w/ Black Enterprise,Meet the Faith,Judge Mathis,Two and a Half Men,Aliens in America.(What can I say...I write better with background noise...go figure..lol)


THE BIBLE. Not a Day Goes By..(E.Lynn Harris), I Don't Need Delilah, I Need You, Taking Over,It's Your Time,Called To Conquer,Power of a Wise Woman(Bishop Eddie L. Long) and my novel..'Karma' ..


God's Greatest Gift "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgement and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." - Isaiah 9: 6-7(NKJV)

JESUS. My mom, my sister, Bishop Eddie Long and Pastor Andre Landers

My Blog

My Comments

Hey, Some of you may have noticed that your comment has been deleted from my page. I want you to rest assure that it was not done out of unappreciation for the comment. I appreciate everyone that...
Posted by Z.Elle on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 05:20:00 PST