Dark Gable in affect profile picture

Dark Gable in affect

The most pathetic thing in the world is a man with sight, but no vision.

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I'm a single parent new to the Atlanta area. I'm originaly from Indianapolis and I've been in Atl for about 3 years. I have a son and a daughter so as you have probably guessed family is first for me. Eventually I would like to settle down with that special lady, but the reality is that you have to have that foundation of friendship first. So, I'm looking to meet friends and if it grows into something else, great. If it doesn't, atleast we have a friendship. I consider myself to be a hopeless romantic, but I must admit I'm out of practice. It just seems that a lot of women today are more interested in the "soldier". Don't get me wrong, I can hold my own, but everyday I leave the house I have to "fight". Shouldn't your home be the place to get away from all of that? If I sound interesting to you, or you would like to know more, drop me a line. I look forward to hearing from you.

My Interests

I love to travel, bowling, playing pool, darts, going to plays and movies, or just enjoying a quiet evening at home with that special someone. I also love listening to jazz, R @ B

I'd like to meet:

I would like to consider myself to be a equal opportunity employer. If you got a heart beat it's all good. lol Seriously, my ideal woman would be beautiful to me. (I don't care what other people think of her) She has to have a great sense of humor, outgoing, sexy, intelligent, family and goal oriented, like to travel, romantic, and be down for me. They say that behind every strong man there is a strong woman. I have to have someone that when I stumble and drop my load she's there to help me pick it up and point me in the right direction.


Jazz, R and B


I'm a guy so you know I like action movies. I can watch a few romance movies as long as the guy gets the girl in the end. If the woman dies I'm done. lol My favorite movies are, Love Jones and Jason's Lyric.