1/2Black+1/2Asian =100%..AMAAZIN profile picture 1/2Black+1/2Asian =100%..AMAAZIN

Flatter me and I may not believe you. Criticize me and I may not like you. Ignore me and I may not f

About Me


I AM...
I love to love, and i love to laugh.
im passionate, sincere and try to be as honest as humanly possible.
I am stubborn (not hard-headed - there's a difference)...i get that from my momma too, lol.
im not extremely sensitive, but i AM extremely emotional...
but im too proud to let just anybody see that side.
Im quiet and shy...til you get to really know me...
i keep friends few, family close, and enemies just in view. i seldom let anyone in my personal world and space...if i do, you must be someone Xtra darnspecial to me.
I am compassionate and forgiving,
but there are somethings in life i dont tolerate from anyone and if you cross those lines...
i wont hesitateto X that negativity from my life - it is just too draining to hold on to something or someone who is trying selfishly to drain your personal lightfrom you.
i like to think i'm a realist, but at the same time i dream big..sometimes too big.
but i know what i deserve and i will not settle for anything less than that.
..just like the line, "I want the fairytale", from my favorite movie - if you've seen the movie, you know what i'm talking about...
Remember we all have a personal light that shines within...
it is just our job to learn to love ourselves first...when you truly loveyourself and let go of all your insecurites and remove yourself from the drama of life, that is when your personal light will shine through for the world tosee.
Sometimes you have to let go some of the things that mean the most to you
if it turns out not to be right for you...
if it was meant to just cant force it where it doesnt fit.
i love to write and express in words my thoughts and emotions...words speak volumes...
"Everyone that comes in to your life, enters for a reason, whether it be for a lifetime or for a season"
I Love all my fav people in my life right now... I'm grateful to be starting this new year with so many blessings!

"Some people live for DRAMA...I choose to live for ME.
So if you have haters...(as many of us do)...Let them hate...
they are only TRYING to hide...THEIR own INSECURITIES"

So True!
So those of you with your own haters, just remember that you must doing something when people are too worried with what you have going onrather than taking care of home.
Remember to take care of home first & foremost or someone else will.

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person
that wasn't supposed to ever let you down...
probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.
So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend a minute of happinessyou'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.."

You only have this one opportunity to live your life for you.

Click to view me and the beautiful Sincerely
at the Q-Mobile Photoshoot with Celebrity Photographer Leo Marshall
.. Find more videos like this on

Something new for yall...
Press play for snippet of my video now playing ONDEMAND on Comcast
Be sure to check it on now on Comcast - Flowlicious!
Shot in Jamaica...It was sooo hot... good thing i was in the water to keep cool:
"Flow TV - Flowlicious Tomika Takes A Dip - In this clip, Tomika floats on water like God's gift to mankind. Get baptized in Tomika's miraculous beauty or be damned to hell."

My Interests

Special Thanks to THE REAL SKY
for my Tomika Skanes Official Myspace Theme Song!


Here is some of mine:
(Scroll Down to read a few of my poems i wrote back in the day...)

My Poetry

All poems by: Tomika Skanes

'I wasn't finished loving you'
poem by: Tomika Skanes

I wasn't finished loving you
and like a moments thought
you came and went
I wasn't finished loving you
much too short a time was spent

and your song
so few had heard
I memorized each verse
I had not chance to love you more
our time was much too terse

I wasn't finished loving you
the day you went is the day I died
I never fathomed it would be so soon
we'd have to say goodbye

So many things we were to do
so many things I never knew
I damn the day you left, my love
I wasn't finished loving you

'Closed Doors'
poem by: Tomika Skanes

i was clutching at straws
receding further, behind closed walls
raking with fingers
at a tundra of things
unable to comprehend the ways nor means.
a single hope divided
beyond dispair
to ravaging like an eagle
with no wings.
unable to fly
to seek
to know
i stumble along
behind closed doors.

A wayfarer at best
too young to know better
too old to regress.
fighting the urge
to surrender it all
wasting time
as time wastes me
years surpassing
ambitions and dreams.

creating a prison
containing myself
remaking myself
repeating myself
my steps
my past
the same mistakes owning me
pinning me down
i suffocate, drowning
crying aloud.

yet unheard, unnoticed
my books unread
the pages keep turning
all the while burning
the steps that i've tread.

We grow to gain
yet in the scheme of things
there's no distinction
we're all the same.

The same journey
though different paths
yet we seek to attain
what the other man has.
in bettering ourselves
we forget ourselves
encircling a lie,
linking wrongs with rights.
falsely accusing
dispatching the blame
there's still no distinction
we're all the same.

The truth is apparent
yet seldom is seen
confused with knowing,
a different belief.
We pound at the door
misinterpreting the signs
the door was wide open
while locked was our minds.

Creating a vacuum
empty space to behold
pained to reveal
all lacking to know.
realizing the fault
now plainly i see...
i was held hostage
by no other than me.

poem by: Tomika Skanes

snips at me
like my mother's screams
i stand and watch
the sun
dying within my eyes

haunted by
this face of death
there is such
that nothing's left
but the sobbing, aching
that clouds the conscienceness
of the mind

reasoning all disipates
as i sit
and calmly wait
how grim
and calculated
is this fate
i've yet to analyze

'Mine Iniquity'
poem by: Tomika Skanes

beguiling words
you do secrete
preempting hands
do take hold
empty promises made to me
yet enamorously told

you occluded my empassioned heart
you bastardized my soul
and in a state of sullen stupor
my innocence you stole

an iniquity you were to me
and slimy to the touch
profound wonder it is to me
how i loved you much

poem by: Tomika Skanes

and with gentle touch
he bows my head
to kiss his cheek
so there we stood for a week

he looked at me with pure delight
slowly sauntered to my right
peeled off his shirt
what could i say?
there we stood for a day

soon that day turned to night
and the hours became minutes
until i found myself
grasping for seconds
or just a moment longer with you...

'The Lord is With You'
poem by: Tomika Skanes

When the road seems long and rugged
and you feel you're on your own
Remember the Lord is with you
you're never all alone

When you feel the tasks are many
more than you can do
Remember the Lord is with you
to help you make it through

When the baggage that you carry
is too much for you to hold
Remember the Lord is with you
to lighten up your load

When the results, you feel, are few
and you've done all that you can
Remember the Lord is with you
to lend a helping hand

When the days are full of worries
of the world that's so unkind
Remember the Lord is with you
to lift them from your mind

When you feel that life's a battle
and defeat is all you gain
Remember the Lord is with you
to ease away your pain

When you feel your heavy burden
is more than you can bear
Remember the Lord is with you
for God is always there

No matter how long the journey
or how rough ahead the ride
Remember the Lord is with you
He's standing by your side

'In My Arms'
poem by: Tomika Skanes

i held you in my arms
last night
i didn’t want
to let you go
i caressed the features
of your face
memorizing each life trace

i almost cried
laying there
your body
so close to mine
and i held you there
in my arms
as we slept away
the night

'Burning Brightly...'
poem by: Tomika Skanes

Maker of the light
keep light to my heart
burn it brightly
so it waits for one

sometimes i forget
and soft fingers sway
to cap the light
for which i wait

now glass shield surrounds it
i've willed it there
through time
i've found the strength
to hold it
steady with my mind

until you come back to me
waiting i will be
forever burning brightly
so you'll know
exactly where to find me

Please visit my poetry section of my website to read more of my poetry!

I'd like to meet:

"Life can be understood backwards, but can only be lived one is flawless, so dont let your mistakes own you. When you know better, Do better....but always keep it moving." - T.S.

One of my bestest friends used to tell me, make sure you make this year better than last...and ever since i've taken that to heart. i miss you muchfriend! i hope to see you again!



My favorite artists are Maxwell, Mary J. Blige, Prince, Joe, Carl Thomas, MJ, Alicia Keys and the Debarges. And of course I love Beyonce'! I love LOVE MUSIC...any song that tells a story and stirs that deep emotion.


Pretty Woman, Braveheart, The Sixth Sense, The Last Dragon, GHOST, The Butterfly Effect, I Am Sam, BORAT, The Little Mermaid, Alex Haley's Queen, The Skeleton Key, Beloved, There's Something About Mary


I'm a HGTV and TLC junkie... (House Hunters, Designed to Sell, Property Ladder... i love home improvement shows) I also like to watch Top Chef & Project Runway when I get a chance to catch it on TV.


Wuthering Heights (omg, never cried so hard in my life, lol), Native Son, Alex Haley's Queen


my mom - she's 200% Amaazin!

My Blog

Fake Tomika Pages on Myspace

i've decided to post a blog on the fake myspacers who are stealing my pics and pretended to be me so far i have shut down over 20 or so fake pages but they still keep popping up! jeeez i just dont und...
Posted by 1/2Black+1/2Asian =100%..AMAAZIN on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 04:00:00 PST

*** Slideshows hanging out in 2006 ***

Hey yall....2006 is almost over, so i decided to post my slideshows of my fav pics of me hanging out and partying with my friends in a blog...since my myspace page is already sooo slow to ...
Posted by 1/2Black+1/2Asian =100%..AMAAZIN on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 10:42:00 PST

>> Myspace messaging me, those I respond to, my Agency and more <<

First of all I want to thank EVERYONE who has taken the time out to send me much luv, shoutouts, friend requests, blasian luv, picture comments and words of support ...i do read my messages (not alwa...
Posted by 1/2Black+1/2Asian =100%..AMAAZIN on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:52:00 PST