Heather feather profile picture

Heather feather

a waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap

About Me

Hey everybody! I made a website for my wedding, click here to check it out!!!------------------------------------------------------ ---------
------------------------------------------------------------ --- I live in a place called Orange County. It is a place where people develop melanoma from spending too much time in the sun, a place of ridiculously large SUV's, and of obscene amounts of money being spent on useless crap. It is also a place where one will spend hours at the gym to obtain "that perfect body", yet that same person will fight for the closest parking spot at a shop because they are too lazy to walk a few extra steps. Yes, folks. I live in this strange land called orange county. ------------------------------------------------------------ --- I think age is all relative. Some days I feel like I am ten years old...I laugh, I run, I play, I do somersaults down a grassy hill...Some Days I feel like I am my own age.....idealistic, ambitious, not yet stomped on by the world..... Other days I feel like I am 40 years old....I get up early, get dressed up, and go to the office. There, I yawn and chat about the weather with my coworkers....and yet some days, I feel like I am 80 years old....barely able to drag myself out of bed, with creaking bones and a cranky attitude. ------------------------------------------------------------ ---With that, I will leave you with a quote:I hope that I may always desire more than I can accomplish. -Michelangelo- ............................................................ ..........................................................Ar t by me:

My Interests


I Am Canadian (William Shatner)

I love William shatner.


I don't watch TV, I find it to be a huge time-sucker, and I'd much rather be out and about, enjoying the world than sitting on my ass at home in front of the boob tube. I'm sure there are "great shows" that I simply "must" see on, but I haven't had cable or channels of any sort hooked up for almost three years now, and life couldn't be better.Sorry TV, I know I broke your heart when I left you, but I found somebody sexier, less obnoxious, and perfect for me....the great outdoors. We fell in love and ran away together and that's that. I'm sorry TV, but that's the way it has to be.


Click here to learn about the plight of the Tibetans.
Awareness is everything.

My Blog

Palm trees are stupid looking

Please take a minute to review the following images:there you have it. Palm trees, they are stupid looking. Why can't we have something pretty in Southern California....something that provides shade a...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Fri, 11 May 2007 05:19:00 PST

Going to bed early is lame.

I always feel like I'm missing out on things. Intelectually, I know that all I am missing is Norwood and Dan playing video games all night while Brian does things on his computer, but for some reason ...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Thu, 03 May 2007 11:08:00 PST

Spray Can vs. Windshield.

I was driving home from work today when all of a sudden, a spray can became airborne when a truck 2 lanes over ran over it. I watched in horror as it came flying straight for my windshield. I winced a...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Tue, 01 May 2007 05:33:00 PST

I just got my hair caught in the dryer.

I went to get my clothes out of the dryer just now and when I leaned into the dryer to reach the clothes in the back, My hair got caught on the little hinge for the dryer door. I couldn't get it out, ...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:15:00 PST

I really broke down stereotypes today!

In case text-only communications are not sufficient for you to tell that I am being sarcastic, I will just tell you: That was a sarcastic comment. There. Now you know. I locked myself out of my car to...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 06:09:00 PST

This is so fucked up.

My Dad called me at work today to tell me he isn't going to come to my wedding because he has to work. He said he thought I wasn't going to pick up because I was at work and he was just going to leave...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 07:06:00 PST

it's COLD!!!!!!!!!

Why is it so COLD in my room? It's FREEZING! I'm laying here on the bed wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and I'm UNDER a comforter that is usually really warm, but for some reason I'm freezing. I ...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 10:05:00 PST

Too sleepy to write a full-on blog tonight

I'm waiting for Norwood to finish playing video games and come to bed, so I can't really sleep. I mean, I COULD sleep, but I have trouble sleeping when Norwood's not next to me. Sort of a pain in the ...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:49:00 PST

Eating like crap makes Heather feel like crap

So, I went to disneyland yesterday...and I ate pasta, and popcorn, and a root beer float, and the today I had bagels with cream cheese, chocolate, and ginger ale. Now my side hurts, but it feels like...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 10:44:00 PST

Tae Kwon Do makes everything better

As an update to my last blog, I would like to say that nothing cures the blues like Tae Kwon Do. An hour of kicking, punching, yelling, and sparring is enough to cheer up even the grumpiest of Heather...
Posted by In Italy until June 4th!! on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 09:51:00 PST