all i care about is amassing a large amount of firearms and ammunition and getting off the grid and out into the country. to, um, save the environment. thats it. and fight the chemtrails wearing my foil helmet. subverting the forces and influence of pabst blue ribbon upon the huddled masses, my army of robot mice will one day infiltrate back into society and end this transmutation.
good idea, huh?
"Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation - the other eight are unimportant." --Henry Miller
"Sex is unclean, not because of the pleasure, but because of the suffering it brings." --Theodore Roeszak
george washington
abraham lincoln, or maybe david bowie (again)
People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~Abraham Lincoln
i have played in these bands: (chronological order) flipper, absolute music, what went wrong, so what, summers' eve, youth in eyes, poor impulse control, the insaints, fang, blackie youth, not flipper, no alternative (in case you did'nt know, the first & original punkabilly band way before it was cool), death to you. i know i left out one or two, i cant remember.
currently in no alternative (bass), insaints (bass), death to you (vocals)
harold and maude, artificial intelligence, kids, requiem for a dream, and little superstar. old SNFU videos
looking for video of SNFU doing "she's not on the menu"..
can you say david fucking hasselhoff?
i actually do not ever watch t.v.
so there, america. but if you have any lost season 3 you can burn me...
pale fire by nabokov is a good book. books should all be burned, right? books are usually the source of unhappiness in any culture. when i read a book, and i have a feeling that makes me uncomfortable, i am reminded that its the books' fault. books are bad, and if you mess with them, you are gonna get burned. like a book!
Peter Sellers, Jean Jacques Burnel, Bowie