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Aurelio Pitino

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About Me


Siciliano di Modica (RG)ma vive a Torino da anni, Aurelio, della sua terra ha conservato l'entusiasmo, i colori ed il "sound” mediterraneo. Autore, compositore e vocalist, amo autodefinirsi "soul singer" - cantante dell'anima - in una costante ricerca, attraverso le radici della musica gospel e blues, di fusione melodica e messaggio cristiano.

Dal ’93 è direttore e voce solista della corale gospel ecumenica "Anno Domini Gospel Choir"_ www.myspace/annodominigospelchoir oppure su Dal ’94 ha partecipato a innumerevoli festival, tour e eventi in Europa: Olanda, Francia, Spagna (Multifestival de David), Germania, Svizzera, Bulgaria (Festival Cristiano Giovanile) e negli Stati Uniti: Florida, Virginia, Washington, Maryland, Illinois e Centro America: El Salvador (Joshua Multifestival), Guatemala, Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica e Sud America: Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina (Banuev Multifestival), Brasile (Hallel Multifestival).Un altro evento di rilevante importanza lo vede coinvolto dal '98 a Torino in occasione del “Gospel Jubilee Festival“, meeting internazionale di artisti di musica gospel (black, traditional & contemporary) promosso dall’ Ass. Anno Domini(di cui è 2001 è art director dell’ “Anno Domini Multifestival”, seminario internazionale multidisciplinare di artisti cristiani che si svolge annualmente a Oropa (BI). In attivo ha un album in lingua spagnola dal titolo “Agua viva” presente nel mercato discografico in America Latina e la presenza in parecchie compilation di artisti cristiani in Italia e all’estero.Nel 2003 è stato insignito del premio “Golden Graal” a Roma,a Villa Borghese,per l’impegno e la professionalità e per aver promosso e valorizzato negli ultimi anni il messaggio dell'evangelizzazione attraverso la musica. Insegna da anni canto e tecnica vocale a Torino. Tiene corsi di canto gospel (ad Asti dal 1999, a Biella dal 2002 e Milano dal 2005) e stage ovunque in Italia accompagnato dal suo fedele amico e pianista Marco Genta. E’ stato docente di “Canto e Interpretazione” alla “Gipsy Musical Academy” di Torino.


Nació en Sicilia (Italia). A los veinte años se traslada a Torino del norte de Italia, para realizar su sueño de ser cantante de música popular y graba su primer disco con una compañía discográfica en 1983. Este disco como los demás, tuvo éxito, tanto en Italia como en el exterior dándole una gran fama dentro de este género musical llegando para su vida muchos contratos y pedidos del exterior. Esto significa dinero, cosas materiales, placeres y poder dentro de la farándula popular.Al final de 1988 cansado de la explotación de los productores musicales y discográficos que lo usaban solo para ganar dinero, al termino de estos contratos rechazó toda oferta, quedando marginado sin trabajo por dos años y sin amigos, padeciendo grandes necesidades.Aurelio, siendo cristiano católico alejado de Dios por años, pide ayuda al Señor.Tenia una Biblia en su biblioteca, nueva sin estrenar, llena de polvo porque jamás había sido abierta, de repente la abrió para que el Señor le hablase, tanto estaba desesperado por su soledad que al abrirla encontró en Juan 3:16 "Porque de tal manera amó Dios el mundo que envió Su único Hijo para que todo aquel que El cree no se pierda, más tenga vida eterna". Esta palabra lo impresionó, porque habla de un Dios que ama y no de un Dios castigador y él pensó": Si El ama a todo el mundo significa que me ama también a mí". En aquel momento se sintió liberado y nunca más se sintió solo, como si la presencia de Dios se respirara en aquel lugar. A partir de ese momento su vida tomó otra dirección. El talento que Dios le regaló lo puso al servicio de Dios.Desde el 1994 hasta hoy, Aurelio has viajado y sigue viajando por el mundo llevando el Evangelio a través de la música. Ha participado a muchos festivales, eventos y giras en Europa como: Holanda (Christian Artists), Francia, España (Multifestival de David), Alemania, Suiza, Bulgaria (Festival Cristiano Juvenil) y en los Estados Unidos: Florida (Hosanna Multifestival), Virginia, Washington, Maryland, Illinois y Centro America: El Salvador (Joshua Multifestival), Guatemala, Panama, Honduras, Costa Rica y Sur America: Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina (Banuev Multifestival), Brasil (Hallel Multifestival). La majoria de las giras en el Centro y Sur America con su grande amiga y hermana en Cristo:Inés De Viaud(El Salvador).Actualmente es el director del Festival de Música Gospel "GOSPEL JUBILEE FESTIVAL" promovido desde l'Asociación de Artistas Cristianos "ANNO DOMINI" (de la cual es presidente) y celebrado anualmente en Torino (Italia) desde el ’98 y que ayuda a la investigación de enfermedades (esclerosis múltiple, cáncer...) o agrupamientos como “Emergency” que se ocupan de los niños pobres en el mundo. Tambien el es organizador desde el 2001 del “ANNO DOMINI MULTIFESTIVAL”, seminario internaciónal de artistas cristianos, celebrado anualmente en el santuario del Virgen de Oropa (Biella, Italia).Este seminario trata todas formas de arte como: musica,pintura, danza, teatro, pantomina y artes gráficas y visuales.Además, es Director de una revista de música cristiana e información que se llama "AD MAGAZINE" y desde el ’93 director y voz de la coral ecuménica de música gospel "ANNO DOMINI GOSPEL CHOIR"_www.myspace/ En el 2003 ha ganado el premio "Golden Graal" en Roma por su compromiso en la evangelización y ser promotor de la Fé y de los Valores a travez de la musica con profesionalidad.


Sicilian, born in Modica, Ragusa, Aurelio has retained the enthusiasm, colours and Mediterranean sound of his land. Songwriter and singer, Aurelio defines himself as a "soul singer"... singing from the soul, in constant search, through the roots of Gospel and Blues, for melodic fusion while delivering a Christian message in his music. He has had a true path musically and spiritually.His debut record was released in 1985 with a single titled "Io e Te" (You and I) (Panarecord). The following year the rock-dance musical group "Legend" was formed, releasing three maxi-singles on the Discomagic label that had immediate foreign success.1989 was the year of Aurelio's conversion, or even better said, his reconciliation with God: after years of spiritual darkness, Aurelio participated and represented Italy in 1990, at the "10th Annual International Seminar of Christian Artists" in De Bron, Holland and subsequently took part in the National Association of Singers of God "Il mio Dio canta giovane" with headquarters in Assisi, Italy.In 1991 he composed "I Believe in You" and recorded an entire gospel album in English titled "Victory" (LDC Music), symbolizing what Christ had done in his life.In the summer of 1992 came the invitation to "Multifestival de David", an international meting of christian artists that occurs annually in Spain.In the summer of 1993 Aurelio was a featured artist as well as the artistic director for the 1st International Seminar of Christian Artists "Magnificat Multifestival" in Catanzaro, Italy. In August he was again a guest at De Bron's 13th Annual International Seminar of "Christian Artists". In September he recorded a disco-dance version maxi-single of Van Morrison's gospel track "These are the Days" (Discomagic). During this period, Aurelio formed the "Anno Domini Gospel Choir".In July 1994 Aurelio was a guest artist at the "Hosanna Festival" in Orlando, Florida. In September, with Mario Migliarese (President of the "Magnificat Association") and Roberto Bignoli (songwriter and artist), Magnificat Multifestival Italy had a publicity meeting with the French national television and print publications in Paris. In October came the invitation to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to take part in the "Banuev Festival".May 1995, Aurelio departed for Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala) for a mini-tour where experiences in the Chirstian walk were exchanged with the local community. In June he was working artistically and as the organizer for Magnificat Multifestival at Crotone, Italy.The fall of 1996 found Aurelio back in El Salvador participating in "Balada Para un Niño", an outreach sponsored by the American Airlines to provide funds to orphanages in Central America. June of 1997 and 1998 Aurelio organized and participated in the 5th and 6th "International Seminar of Christian Artists - Magnificat Multifestival" in Oropa, Italy. Today Aurelio is touring as a solo artist in Europe and also as director of the Anno Domini Gospel Choir. He has participated at many festivals all over Europe, USA and Latin America. Just in Europe: Holland (Christian Artists), Spain (Multifestival de David), France, Germany, Switzerland, Bulgary (Festival Cristiano Giovanile).In the USA: Florida (Hosanna Multifestival), Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia. In the Latin America: El Salvador (Joshua Multifestival), Guatemala, Panamà, Honduras, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina.He is the organizer of the AD Magazine, a bi-annual publication on Contemporary Christian/Catholic music throughout the world.He is also the director of the "Gospel Jubilee Festival", the International Annual Meeting of Gospel & contemporary Christian music held in Turin, Italy and “Anno Domini Multifestival”, a christian artists seminar held in the sanctuary of Oropa (Biella), Italy, supported by the "Anno Domini" Association. In 2003 has been awarded in Rome (Villa Borghese) with “Golden Graal” for his professionality and commitment in evangelization through the Christian Art and the Gospel Music.

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Member Since: 3/2/2007
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Influences: My Lord JESUS, first!!!...Amo tutta la buona musica dal gospel al soul, al blues, al jazz, al rock, all'R & B,al pop (non disdegnando anche la classica). Artisti: R. Smallwood, Kurt Carr, Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams, Crystal Lewis, Take 6, Fred Hammond, Andrae Crouch, S. Wonder, R. Kelly, MaryMary,A. Franklin, W. Houston, Destiny Child, Mary J. Blige, Brian Mc Knight, Beyonce e molti altri...

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Record Label: IGM Records
Type of Label: Indie