Il progetto ANNO DOMINI nasce nel 1989 per opera del suo ideatore e direttore Aurelio Pitino (premiato nel dicembre 2003 a Roma, a Villa Borghese, con il premio “Golden Graal†per l’impegno e la professionalit.., ndr) che, dopo la pubblicazione del primo album dal titolo “Victory†(1991, LDC Music), fonda a Torino, nel ’93, gli ANNO DOMINI GOSPEL CHOIR, considerata una formazione corale di testimonianza cristiana a carattere interconfessionale.
Innumerevoli, in questi anni, i concerti in Italia e all’estero e le partecipazioni a programmi televisivi su reti nazionali (RAI, MEDIASET)e private. La corale costituitasi associazione nel ’97, promuove due importanti festival internazionali: il primo, il “GOSPEL JUBILEE FESTIVAL, di musica gospel che si tiene annualmente a Torino, al Teatro “Piccolo Regioâ€,†il secondo, l’ â€ANNO DOMINI MULTIFESTIVALâ€, seminario internazionale di artisti cristiani, che si tiene annualmente a Oropa (BI), presso l’omonimo santuario.Gli sforzi e la devozione degli ADGC, che negli anni hanno visto avvicendarsi al loro interno tanti giovani ansiosi di scoprire una nuova via di far musica e diffondere il Vangelo, sono, infine, coronati nel '97, con la pubblicazione del loro primo album dal titolo “Anno Domini Gospel Choir†(Lancelot Records) e, nel 2003 proprio per celebrare i dieci anni di ministero (1993-2003), pubblicano il loro più rappresentativo album live “Let everything praise Him!"(Lancelot Records), nel quale figurano, come special guest, due artisti gospel di fama internazionale e di grande carisma e talento come Junior Robinson & Ruth Lynch (UK) che li consacra definitivamente negli annali della musica Gospel italiana e internazionale.Nel dicembre 2008 ecco il nuovo album “Open your heart_Live 2008†(IGM Records) con il meglio del loro repertorio più recente e col quale celebrano il loro quindici anni di ministero. ENGLISH BIOGRAPHY
In 1989, after overcoming spiritual crisis and being reconciled to God, Aurelio Pitino (formerly a successful dance and pop singer) started cherishing the dream to found a gospel choir.
The first results already came in 1990, with the album "Victory"(LDC Music) featuring Anno Domini's virtual debut. Though still far from being the fulfilment of Aurelio's original plan, it scored immediately.In 1993 new vocalists were taken on - all of them going through their own phases of spiritual and professional growth - and the actual Anno Domini Gospel Choir eventually came out, thus outlining the features of an outstanding interconfessional choir giving out Christian testimony. Under Aurelio's guidance the ensemble made up a vast repertoire ranging from spirituals to gospel -both traditional and contemporary - and started evangelization through the spreading of gospel music.The ADGC constituted, in ’97, a non-profit-making association and promoted Turin's "GOSPEL JUBILEE FESTIVAL" an important international "all-gospel event - unique of its kind in Italy –Thanks to its concerts and workshops, the Gospel Jubilee Festival held since 1998 at Turin's prestigious "Teatro Regio", turned out to be an incredible success with the public, and got unforeseen press and television feedback.Another event promoted by the Anno Domini Association is the “ANNO DOMINI MULTIFESTIVALâ€, an international christian artists seminar held every year (since 2001), in the Sanctuary of Oropa (Biella). At the trial stage, concerts were held in theatres, churches and squares all over Italy, Anno Domini Gospel Choir has also taken part in gospel and music festivals. Their live and studio performances have often been broadcast by both the public television (RAI) and most important commercial TV and radio networks (MEDIASET).The efforts and devotion as spent by ADGC (where many young singers have already alternated, all eager to find a new way of making music and spreading the Gospel) were eventually repaid in 1997, as their most representative album, simply titled “Anno Domini Gospel Choirâ€(Lancelot Records ) and in 2003, as the second album titled “Let everything praise Him!â€(Lancelot Records),featuring the very talented UK gospel singers, Junior Robinson & Ruth Lynch to celebrate their first decade of ministry, a sort of consacration within the annals of Italian and international gospel music.On December 2008 here it is the new release album titled “Open your heart_Live 2008†(IGM Records) with the best of their more recent repertoire and with they celebrate their first 15 years of music ministry whom.
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