Get the most out of your voice! If you are experiencing trouble with a particular register, we can help. Our goal is to make the most of your sound while preserving your voice for longevity. Our voices make us unique. We’re here to help create and preserve that signature sound.The Chicago Institute for Voice Care is an inclusive
treatment center dedicated to the care of voice and
airway disorders. We welcome anyone who relies
on the integrity of voice for productivity, entertainment,
or personal satisfaction.
Dr. H. Steven Sims, Director of Chicago Institute for Voice Care, is a board certified Otolaryngologist who chose a career in professional voice care as an extension of his two passions: music and medicine. A graduate of the Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Sims completed a research fellowship at the National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders as well as a clinical fellowship at the Vanderbilt Voice Center. He is also an accomplished musician who plays trombone, bassoon and piano. While an undergraduate at Yale University he was a member of a capella singing groups and directed the Yale Gospel Choir. He has lent his Baritone voice to musical theatre, various choirs and he continues to use the first instrument, voice. His personal experiences and education are employed to address the problems of performing artists and other voice professionals.
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