Kristen May profile picture

Kristen May

Party like a Rockstar,then clean up after yourself!!!

About Me

Video by Bijou Flowers.... You can buy my stuff here at cheaper retail prices than in stores....

Beauty,Guns and Bows make a pretty hot chick!!! Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own! My BF Marisa lays a wet one on me How I seduce people
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural
You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.
You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?
You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you. What Kind of Seducer Are You? Fashion designer in downtown NYC, I design lingerie, puppy dresses, and you can look at my stuff at or id=33 !!!! My inspiration includes strip tease paraphanalia, X-rated love affairs, vintage beauty, and Motley Crue. If you love to rock and roll, you can join me. I am either a total home body babe or crawling on the bar table it all depends what phase the moon is in. Want to come and cast a love spell with me some time, I've spooked people with my magick abilities... If you can't stand a girly girl who carries herself like a prissy bitch princess with a dark edge, read no further losers. Any way I'm a nice gal with quick wit and a good wardrobe. ???how should I know??? .. http:
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
free profile counter from girl on fire who got saved by the air she breaths
Name: Kristen May Anastasia
Birthdate: May 25th 1977
Birthplace: Jersey Girl
Current Location: Sex and the City
Eye Color: co co
Hair Color: brown almost black
Height: 5 foot 5"
Weight: 120-125lbs
Piercings: Had 5 than 1 closed up, 4 now
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I kiss boyz
Overused Phraze: more red wine please
Food: fruit goat cheese and wine
Candy: strawberry moose
Number: 7
Color: pink black
Animal: jezabelle,Deck,Tink
Drink: apricot necter
Alcohol Drink: chardonay,Rasberry frozen margarita
Bagel: cinamon raisin
Letter: A for ANGEL
Body Part on Opposite sex: ALL
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke a Cola!!!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Mc D's
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: HOT
Chocolate or Vanilla CHOCOLATE
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: both please
Kiss or Hug: Kissing while hugging
Dog or Cat: BITCH!
Rap or Punk: neither nor
Summer or Winter: Summa time
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary
Love or Money: LOVE
Bedtime: its always different
Most Missed Memory: Baby bro RIP
Best phyiscal feature: my ass
First Thought Waking Up: why is this so hard
Goal for this year: to live love and learn
Best Friends: Kat Bunny, Irina, Anna
Weakness: profiteroles
Fears: can't put my finger on it
Heritage: Eurasian
Longest relationship: my friends Keith and Ralph
Ever Smoked: not really
Pot: yes
Ever been Drunk: o yeah
Ever been beaten up: nope
Ever beaten someone up: not yet
Ever Shoplifted: yes
Ever Skinny Dipped: yea!!!
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: every Sat!
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Hair Color: medium to dark
Short or Long: depends
Height: 6ft
Style: good style
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute one in the same
Drugs and Alcohol: alchy
Muscular or Really Skinny: some place in between
Number of Regrets in the Past: 2 bitchy room mates
What country do you want to Visit: I never get enough of ITALY!
How do you want to Die: in a happy safe place
Been to the Mall Lately: not that lately
Do you like Thunderstorms: yup
Get along with your Parents: always usually
Health Freak: Nahhh
Do you think your Attractive: I do
Believe in Yourself: I do
Want to go to College: been there done that
Do you Smoke: I'm smokin
Do you Drink: but of course
Shower Daily: bubble bathing beauty
Been in Love: Smile!!!
Do you Sing: I sew
Want to get Married: sure
Do you want Children: someday
Have your future kids names planned out: nope
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: thats been taken care of
Hate anyone: no
What Stock Character Are You?

The Hooker with the Heart of Gold
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Pretty Woman You know what your good, er, points are and you flaunt them! But deep down (or as deep as a screen writer can dig in 90 minutes) you're much smarter/shyer/sweeter than most people suspect. You just want to do right by your man/God/your bastard children. Sometimes you get the man. Sometimes you die. It's a toss-up with you.
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My Interests

Shop for at ETSY!!!!SHOP FOR NOW!!!

Drawing, painting, sewing, reading. I love Marlon Brando I think I was meant to live durring his time. Classic Movies with Bette Davis give me a thrill. Love to look at good art. Love short sexy party dresses and high heels preferably the expensive kind. And most of all my puppy darling Jezabelle, and collecting designer barbie dolls. I'm such a fucking girly girl...My boyfriend and his drumming abilities,and Rock and Roll!!!

I'd like to meet:

Inspiring individuals who will fuel my passions.Muses,Fashionista's,modelbookers,photographers,styl ists and other designers. People who want to wear my cloths, make me smile. I don't want to meet you if you are selfish. People who want to support my dreams and help other broke creatives hit it big. Or at least get exposure. Buy our love and donate for the cause!!! The fashion gods will bless you.


The Beautiful Girls of The Pierces
Gillian on Violings,Blondie Catherine,and brunette Allison!!! I HEART THE PIECRCES,They are my muses!!!

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powered by The wild one, A street car named desire, The fugitive kind, The nightcomers, Last Tango in Paris, The Godfather trilogy, Another Mans Poison, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Dead Ringers, All about Eve, Sin City, Fight Club, Pretty persuasion (I saw alot of similarities of myself in High School) 02.jpg


A special thanks to Eric Daman the stylist of Gossip Girl!!!

Shop Angel Lust on Etsy

As featured on the new girl entering Blair's scandalous circle of friends.

No doubt Serena will rule this season but I look forward to the new young blond who is sporting my headband as seen here. Maybe Gossip Girl has a new little trouble maker in town.Christian Troy: .. .. .. ..

Take the Nip / Tuck personality quiz to see which character you are!

Six feet under, Smallville, The Simple life, The soprano's, Da Ali G show, curb your inthusiasm, and Sex and the City (But you new that already)


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Starla is a fuck bunny. I'm like every chicks hero just ask. The writer Chuck Palahnuik, Jay McKnerny, Brando, and my Mom and daddy!!!Tia Link and Kelle link who've both disappeared on me. Anya Kot. Irina when she's not in a mood. and My grandpa! Patricia Field Totally owe it to her my inspiration for who I am today...And Grandma I miss you wise ass cussing Irish Lady, thanks for the diamonds RIP...and my Pup Princess Jezabelle Lolita!!!

My Blog

Lindsay’s Leggings

ANGEL LUST PRclick above for coverage!!!
Posted by Kristen May on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 08:37:00 PST


If I see you randomly repost this on your bulletinYou may be the winner of a free piece from my collection!!!I design headpieces for Gossip Girl!!!buy some here!!! EtsyBuy Handmadeangellustny...
Posted by Kristen May on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 04:32:00 PST

vintage bikini

Vin-T Bikini...
Posted by Kristen May on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 09:59:00 PST


for more update and stuff check back at: SAVE UBER!!!!Uber is a fashion community where the best writers and editors/stylist get to blog about the unattainable fash...
Posted by Kristen May on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:36:00 PST

Reasons to adore Katy Perry

She loves bows,wears Mandate of heaven and is one hot stylish performer who makes me happy with all her videos!!! go KP!!!Read all about it and see why's making Pop ...
Posted by Kristen May on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:53:00 PST


I am a designer and some of my stuff is used on Gossip Girl,Hair wear that is buy my creations on STARS AND INFINITE DARKNESSA special thanks to Eric Daman the stylist of Gossip Girl!!!Shop Angel Lust...
Posted by Kristen May on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:03:00 PST

More of my stuff on GOSSIP GIRL

Tonight on Gossip girl episode 4 second season in, Blair Woldwarf takes it upon her to interview all new freshmen girls and decide who is click worthy to hang with. A cute blond freshmen paired her c...
Posted by Kristen May on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:03:00 PST

angel lust updates

I met Poppy King at Henri Bendel,she was 19 when she started Poppy industries and her lipstick company shot to millions by the end of the firs yearCheck out her story that will be posted on my blogwww...
Posted by Kristen May on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 11:58:00 PST

GOSSIP GIRL’S Eric Daman loves me

Check out more at revolveclothing.comAngel Lust on REVOLVECLOTHING.COM...
Posted by Kristen May on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:22:00 PST

fashion week coverage com/...
Posted by Kristen May on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:59:00 PST