I Eat Your Skin is brought to you by 2 lonely motherfuckers: Adrian and Trey. It's also brought to you by the letter "Beer" and the number "666".
The Two Amigos (mentioned above) started out years ago just to f*** around in the studio, then we went on "hiatus" (we left the studio saying "yeah, f*** you too!) for a good while. When we finally re-united in January '07 we came back SERIOUS and more DEDICATED. We hit the studio hard (READ: we drank a lot of beer), and began working on songs to f*** your sh** and your city up. So, put down your remotes and your porno magazines (and wash your f***ing hands out of courtesy to other people!!!) and get off your lazy asses and join us for a good ol' fashioned violent good time, BITCHES!!! (And bring your cigarrette lighters for the slow stuff ;D )
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