RisK profile picture



About Me

we're sorry to announce that the band quits. our toughts about the music we want to make didn't went in the same direction. so it were 2 amazing years!! with small and large preformances!! with i think, the top... ''tivoli de helling''!! we want to thank everyone who suported us!

*Roy/Gijs & Boot are forming a new band with vokillist jeffrey oonincx we are going to make music ala lamb of god / parkway drive

*Joey also has plans for something new

*Thomas already had a second band named ''icescream''

so the bandmembers are realy not bored at the time, but busy making the the music they like!!

thanks for everything!!

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My Interests


Member Since: 2/25/2007
Band Website: risk.nl.tt
Band Members: Roy Poppelaars
(lead guitar)

Joey Wouters
(guitar + backing vocals)

Dennis "boot" Boot (drums)

Gijs Melisse (bass)

Thomas Kramer (vocals)

Influences: Metallica, Machine Head, Lamb Of God, Textures...and many more
Sounds Like: 5 handsome boys kicking ass!!!!
Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog

RisK quits

we're sorry to announce that the band quits. our toughts about the music we want to make didn't went in the same direction. so it were 2 amazing years!! with small and large preformances!! with i thin...
Posted by RisK on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:18:00 PST

Demo finished!!

RisK has just finished recording the four songs, with two new songs!''They Ride In Vain'' and ''Mirror Of Distinction'''are the new ones!!Listen to them and leave us a comment!!RisK...
Posted by RisK on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:58:00 PST

RisK Goes Recording!!

27 and 28 december risk will be busy recording 4 songs!!the recording will take place at a home made studio, the 4 songs that will be recorded are: FreedomI'll Die With YouMirror Of DistinctionThey Ri...
Posted by RisK on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 04:04:00 PST

Risk in the semifinal @ Emergenza!!

Yes yes people, we are going to the semifinal with Emergenza!! Yesterday we played an awesome show and with 33 votes we were 2nd!! 8 or 9 May we play again @ 013 this time in the ''kleine zaal'' but t...
Posted by RisK on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:50:00 PST

RisK Busy Making own songs!

One of the first blog's of RisK! We thought it's time to put up more updates for the fans!! At the moment we are busy making own songs, when we have enough the EP is comming!! We hope around Januari ...
Posted by RisK on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 02:45:00 PST

RisK @ Event 3 in the newspaper!

..> Popel organiseert vrijdag 9 november Event 3A NOVEMBER TO REMEMBER ETTEN-LEUR - Vrijdag 9 november wordt in café K'annet, Event 3 georganiseerd. Hoewel het officiële festivalseizoen voorbij is...
Posted by RisK on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 02:37:00 PST