Relay For Life of Central Seattle profile picture

Relay For Life of Central Seattle

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or the neighbor down the street, we all know someone who has been touched by cancer. Many of us are concerned about this disease and want to do something to make a difference. That’s why I’ve decided to take part in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life® . It’s an event that brings together the whole community and helps raise funds for the fight against this disease. I know you care about cancer, too, and I’d love for you to join me as part of my Relay team.
At the event, we’ll camp out overnight, walk around the track, and meet lots of new people. There is an incredible tribute to cancer survivors and caregivers that starts off the night and a moving ceremony honoring those who have fought the disease. I can truly say Relay is unlike anything else you’ll ever do. It’s a night full of fun, hope, and remembrance.
Can you believe that more than 1.3 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in the United States this year? Those are staggering statistics, but there is hope. Each of us can do something to save lives and help those already fighting this disease. That’s why I’ve decided to take action against cancer by supporting the American Cancer Society Relay For Life® event right here in Seattle.
Relay For Life is an overnight event that brings our community together to help support the American Cancer Society and its lifesaving mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem. The Society works hard every day to prevent cancer and save lives by supporting groundbreaking research, affecting public policies that protect us from cancer, and educating people on how to prevent or detect cancer early. The Society helps people with cancer right here in our own community. And our efforts at Relay For Life can help the American Cancer Society to keep working toward a cancer-free future.
I want to invite you to show your support in the ongoing fight against cancer by joining us for this year’s event. Please click on the link below for more information, including details on the inspirational Survivors’ Lap and the moving Luminaria Ceremony. We hope to see you there! If you can’t join us, will you please visit the site and make a donation to support our efforts? Donating online is fast, easy, and provides the option of being anonymous to the public. Either way, you will make a real difference in the lives of people facing cancer – and in the lives of the people who love them. Thank you!

My Interests

Relay for Life, American cancer society, pediatric cancer, cancer treatment, cure for cancer, donations and fundraisers, cancer, cancer research

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has cancer or been affected by cancer at any point in their life.
If you live in the Seattle area and would like to join our team (Kids with Cancer) please visit:
Click to Join Our Team
If you have been affected by cancer and would like to donate to the American Cancer Society please visit my personal page:
Click to visit Diana's Relay For Life Page
You need not live in the Seattle area to donate to Relay for Life/American Cancer Society. All the money goes to the same place...helping fight cancer in children and adults. If you visit my personal page you will learn more about the statistics of cancer in children. I'm a proud supporter of Relay for Life and I hope you will be, too. I'm starting a list for people who we're doing this walk for/in memory of/in honor of. It's to the left. If you'd like to add someone please send a message.


Start Time: TBA
End Time: TBA
Location: TBA
City: Seattle, WA



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This walk is being done for/in memory of/in honor of/etc:
Gloria S
Nick L
Matt C
Caitlin L
Diana M
Christina J
Kat L
Angela S
Cally H
Lilly B
Joe B
Kaleah N
Mackenzie J
Ivan W
Tom S
Natalie S
Hannah R
Ben B
Austin A
Tyler T
Sean R
Christi T
Lauren M
Molly C
Sarah T
Caylee C
Boey B

Childhood cancer warriors, survivors, and angels are in this inspring video creating by The Keep Hope Forever Foundation! THESE KIDS AND KIDS LIKE THEM ARE WHO YOU'RE SUPPORTING BY DONATING TO RELAY FOR LIFE!!!
When you look at me

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This page has been created and managed by Diana and friends.


Those who have had cancer and survived through it, those who are still fighting, and their families who never give up.

My Blog

Prayers for Gloria

Gloria Strauss is an 11 year old girl who has been fighting Neuroblastoma. This year her family decided to abandon treatment and rely on a miracle and God's healing her. There were no more treatment o...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:13:00 PST

Heaven Gained A Great New Angel

(Reposted from my personal myspace page blog)So, I wrote this in my carepage and I'm posting it in here for all of you to read, too. Usually I don't post things from my carepage, but Matt was special....
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:32:00 PST

Pray for the warriors

Matt is slowly fading away. Please pray for him and his family. Here are the last few posts from his mother. She also just sent a message saying his breathing is becoming labored. He needs ALL of our ...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 02:31:00 PST

Waiting to update page

Hey everyone!So, I'm definately planning on doing relay again next year! And next year I'm going to raise $5,000!!! They probably won't have the new information up until the end of the summer for next...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Mon, 28 May 2007 10:35:00 PST

Relay for Life was a success!

Relay for Life was last weekend (Sat-Sun) and was very successful. I raised $2,569.04 and had a team of 7 wonderful people. It wouldn't have been possible without the support and donations of all my f...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Wed, 16 May 2007 04:45:00 PST

The New Video

The new video is finally up! Thanks to all the families and children that let me use their photos or photos of kids they love! I wish I could have put more info into the video and given every childs s...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:50:00 PST

Clickable links fixed today

So, I was showing a friend the page today so that she could sign up on our team. I then realized that the clickable links were going to the ACS Relay main page...not my personal page and team page. Ho...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 11:15:00 PST

Working On New Slideshow

I'm working on making a new slideshow for the page that has pictures of cancer warriors and survivors. Although anyone is welcome to submit a picture my focus is going to be on childhood cancer awaren...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 05:46:00 PST

Still trying to reach that goal!

It's now been 1 day and no more progress on donations I know that we can make this goal though...$65 in  2 days was nothing....$65 in 1 day can still happen! Think about how much you spend on...
Posted by Relay For Life of Central Seattle on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:31:00 PST