String Instruments, Arpeggios make me smile, I like computers, I like music editing software, mainly Logic Pro 7 and Protools and I like sailboats, fishing, music, drawing dragons and elves and ogres and unicorns and wizards and flying pigs, whatever my imagination is in the mood for, creating giant pictures. I'm fascinated with the ocean, I like lots of plants in my apartment, and I'm very curious about other people.
Stephane Grappellli. and...I like getting to know people. I'm always hopeful that I will meet really amazing people and that they'll inspire me to be a better person.
I love playing the violin. Its been in my life for 13 years. Along the way I've picked up a few other instruments: mandolin, an electric violin/viola hybrid, a classical guitar, piano, and the Irish drum (bodhran). I like the computer and its music editing software, I'm learning. I plan on mastering Logic Pro7, bring on the upgrades. I think Pro Tools sucks for midi purposes, but the newest version isn't too bad. With both programs I learn something new every day. Help me add more music favorites to my list: CROOKED STILL, RAILROAD EARTH, LUMINECENT ORCHESTRI, Bela Fleck's Bluegrass sessions, Imogen Heap/FrouFrou, Nick Drake, Muddy Waters, James Brown, Bach, Mozart, Mendhelsson, Brahms, John Adams (minimalist of neo-classical music) Phillip Glass (another crazy composer) Frou Frou (yes again, its that good) BT, Polymer, Paul Simon, Jody Mitchel, Nico, THE BEATLES, THE BAND, The Coasters, Nirvana.
Little Miss Sunshine, Serenity, Princes Mononoke, 5th Element, Royal Tenenbaums, Amelie, Bottle Rocket, I 3 HUCKABEES!!!!!!! The Incredibles, Batman Begins, Castles in the Sky, Star Wars, Legend, Land Before Time, Fern Gully
Looney Tunes, Boston Legal, Dharma and Greg, The Office (the UK one not the US one you got that!?) Aqua Teen Hunger Force!
Oooooo I LOVE fiction books, Chronicles of Narnia, Huck Finn, The Alchemist, The DiVinci Code, DUNE, At The River Pedra I Sat Down and Wept (Paulo Cohelo is quite the writer) some factual books are good too....but not many, just this one: Good Vibrations -A history of record production. I recently found that I really like reading sheet music while listening to its recording. It reminds me of being little, renting those books with the read-along cassette tapes from the local library.
my little brother Johnathan, he's got more talent and creativity than I could ever hope to have. He may be the next Steven Spielberg or the next George Lucas.