Hoots & Hellmouth profile picture

Hoots & Hellmouth

what good r plowshares if we use them like swords?

About Me

Ladies and gents! Welcome to our space. Thanks for stopping by...hope you enjoy your stay. You'll find the music and pictures in the places you'd expect them. Myspace is like voicemail now, right? We all have an instinct for it.
Or perhaps intuition would be the better word. Something like "instinct" seems more of an inborn sort of sense...grafted by genes and chemistry and all that. I suppose it's possible that those being conceived now, in this computer age, will somehow osmotically gain some kind of genetic familiarity with these newfangled conventions. But for those of us born in the 70's when Bill Gates was a nerd of somewhat lower financial magnitude (Rob Berliner and Sean Hoots b. 1975, Hellmouth b. 1978), nuh uh.
But none of that is really salient to the purpose of you stopping by, now is it? Then again, this sort of rambling tangent is the kind of thing one might notice as a pattern of how things work around here. Intuit it!
On the business side of things, those of you who know the band will notice that we've recently changed the look of the site in order that we may trumpet the arrival of our debut full-length record, as presented by MAD Dragon Records in association with Drexel University whose kids' parents sign all the checks. It's a lovely arrangement.
We had a kickass time at Johnny Brenda's recently in celebration of our self-titled debut's release. If you were there you know, and thank you for being a part of it. It meant a lot to us that you came.
That's big for us, actually: having people be a part of this thing we're all helping to create here. At our core, Hoots & Hellmouth consists of Sean, Andrew and Rob, frequently augmented by Ramon Sender or Tim Celfo on bass, but the people at our shows really drive us to the point that we consider them all to be a part of what's going on. We wanna break away from the traditional roles of performer and audience...the exchange of music is a bond...a way to build community...an environment in which to share the experience of being human (ups, downs, all ways).
Living in a void leaves one empty. So much in the culture of modern living has convinced us to cut ourselves off from human contact - that such interaction is unnecessary in the day-to-day transactions of life. Whether it's the cold, lifeless embrace of technology or the "hipper than thou" clique-building attitude of society's disaffected individuals, it seems the world is finding itself more and more isolated on an individual level. Which is kinda weird when the going trend is ostensibly "connectivity." Connected to what exactly?
We'd love to provide space at our shows (and in your own private listening/site-surfing experience there) where anyone and everyone can come and feel free to just be...free to check your job titles, family roles and "demographic buying habits" info at the door. No demands, no pressure. We're not trying to sell you a product or influence you in any particular way. We're not espousing any ideology other than that which builds community on a local level. All religions, no religions, political shades all across the spectrum (including the infrareds and ultraviolets)...we welcome you! We're bringing what we know - music - to the party. What will you bring?
Until next we cross paths, be well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
If'n you'd like Hoots & Hellmouth to play in your room for your folks, contact us for booking at this address:
[email protected]
Thanks for listening!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/5/2005
Band Website: hootsandhellmouth.com/
Band Members: well, lessee...there's hoots & hellmouth, naturally...rockin' the jumbo guits, trading off lead vocals and writing the tunes. but where would we be without the talents of the good doctor (rob) berliner on mandolin and harmonious vocals?
and of course, we'd be remiss not to mention the other amazing people with whom we have had the privilege to work: sister krista nielsen (cello, vocals), dirty uncle sam richardson (drums), the right reverend tc - tim celfo (upright bass), the other 99% skiffle choir (max, carl, steph, tall paul, sadler sisters...holla!)...truly we are blessed. our cup runneth over.
we are currently without a permanent touring rhythm section...we need a solid upright basser and wouldn't mind a rhythmically gifted percussionist (not JUST a drummer, per se)...must be willing to experiment...the new stuff we're writing is gonna get really fun in that department.
Influences: WE LOVE MUSIC!
music of "the folks" always seems to ring truest, and we tend to take a lot of our cues from that...getting down to make music with no commercial concerns...just folks playing music they love. gotta dig that.
however, lest you misinterpret us as a bunch of pretentious music snobs or (*gasp!*) purists by any stretch of the word, you should know that our interest in music most certainly does not stop there. oh no, not by a long shot.
naming names, we dig: otis redding, red house painters/mark kozelek, tom waits, roscoe holcomb, neutral milk hotel, woodpussy & whistlepig, antony & the johnsons, rev. gary davis, smog, joanna newsom, silver jews, ida, slayer, willie nelson, hank williams 1 & 3, merle haggard, sufjan stevens, john zorn, the beatles, doc watson family, jeff buckley, the smiths, marc ribot, nina simone, sigur ros, lambchop...we could go on, but those seem sufficiently relevant for our purposes here.
and we have to include the names of all of our musical brethren and sistren out there, in philly and beyond...concomitant and inspirational. shout outs to dr. dog, the teeth, the sisters 3, the other 99% (and the kazoo folk!), naughty naughty nurses, bees and the birds, rising appalachia, prabir & the substitutes, devin greenwood, john francis, david janes & nate gonzalez, birdie busch, mewithoutyou, backwoods payback...the list continues...so many exceptional musicmakers among us right now. go enjoy some tonight!
Sounds Like: this !!!(pre-order the record from amazon.com)

Record Label: mad dragon/ryko/wea
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

new record, spring tour and LANGERADO!

Hiya folks! hope you're enjoying this balmy february! we're just putting the finishing touches on our second record. we're very VERY (very) excited about it. we're also excited that we will be hit...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:52:00 PST

XPN artist to watch july 2007

hi everyone... we're WXPN's artist to watch for july 07. watch us!
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:51:00 PST

home again...come see us friday (5/25) at noon...free!

hey people...we just got home after some serious road travellin'...been all over the place, and that's always fun...but it sure is nice to be home for a second.we'd love to see you all as soon as poss...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:00:00 PST

Where to get the new record

howdy folks. here's a small but growing list of fine retailers that are for certain to have copies of our new record:Chester County Book & MusicWest Goshen Center975 Paoli PikeWest Chester, PA 19380C...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 05:02:00 PST

new record april 24.

it's been a while since we said it so here it is: OUR NEW RECORD WILL BE OUT ON MAD DRAGON RECORDS APRIL 24. y'heard?in celebration of this simple fact, y'all need to run, walk, skate, fly or cross co...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 05:26:00 PST


Hoots and Hellmouth (2 sets)w/ devin greenwood.april 19, 2007.Johnny Brenda's1201 N. Frankford AvePhiladelphia, PA 19125buy tickets at: http://www.johnnybrendas.com/21+$10, $12 day of showwe'll be pla...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:14:00 PST

Our new record has a crack in it...we're leaking tunes!

Starting Tuesday, February 13th we're gonna leak a new track from our upcoming record every week right here on this Myspace page.  By the time we get around to leaking the last track, it'll be re...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 01:09:00 PST

Tour with Dr. Dog & The Teeth!

we are ever so pleased and humbled to announce that the fine folks over there at dr. dog inc. have seen fit to invite us out on the road with them for a spell.  the outstanding teeth lads will be...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 06:11:00 PST

New album coming soon...and a Spring Tour even sooner!

well, good lord, it's been a while since last we blogged.  so much to tell you...and so much more on the horizon...things are coming to a boil here.  here's the skinny on 2 biggies...1 - our...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:13:00 PST

Boozin' & Cruisin' to The Brickette Lounge -- Shuttle Service!

hey y'all...we're playing the brickette lounge just outside of west chester on friday, november 17th...it's an other 99% event...lots of family and friends.  you know you wanna go...but you also ...
Posted by Hoots & Hellmouth on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 08:54:00 PST