Member Since: 7/5/2005
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Band Members: well, lessee...there's hoots & hellmouth, naturally...rockin' the jumbo guits, trading off lead vocals and writing the tunes. but where would we be without the talents of the good doctor (rob) berliner on mandolin and harmonious vocals?
and of course, we'd be remiss not to mention the other amazing people with whom we have had the privilege to work: sister krista nielsen (cello, vocals), dirty uncle sam richardson (drums), the right reverend tc - tim celfo (upright bass), the other 99% skiffle choir (max, carl, steph, tall paul, sadler sisters...holla!)...truly we are blessed. our cup runneth over.
we are currently without a permanent touring rhythm section...we need a solid upright basser and wouldn't mind a rhythmically gifted percussionist (not JUST a drummer, per se)...must be willing to experiment...the new stuff we're writing is gonna get really fun in that department.
Influences: WE LOVE MUSIC!
music of "the folks" always seems to ring truest, and we tend to take a lot of our cues from that...getting down to make music with no commercial concerns...just folks playing music they love. gotta dig that.
however, lest you misinterpret us as a bunch of pretentious music snobs or (*gasp!*) purists by any stretch of the word, you should know that our interest in music most certainly does not stop there. oh no, not by a long shot.
naming names, we dig: otis redding, red house painters/mark kozelek, tom waits, roscoe holcomb, neutral milk hotel, woodpussy & whistlepig, antony & the johnsons, rev. gary davis, smog, joanna newsom, silver jews, ida, slayer, willie nelson, hank williams 1 & 3, merle haggard, sufjan stevens, john zorn, the beatles, doc watson family, jeff buckley, the smiths, marc ribot, nina simone, sigur ros, lambchop...we could go on, but those seem sufficiently relevant for our purposes here.
and we have to include the names of all of our musical brethren and sistren out there, in philly and beyond...concomitant and inspirational. shout outs to dr. dog, the teeth, the sisters 3, the other 99% (and the kazoo folk!), naughty naughty nurses, bees and the birds, rising appalachia, prabir & the substitutes, devin greenwood, john francis, david janes & nate gonzalez, birdie busch, mewithoutyou, backwoods payback...the list many exceptional musicmakers among us right now. go enjoy some tonight!
Sounds Like: this !!!(pre-order the record from
Record Label: mad dragon/ryko/wea
Type of Label: Indie