The song Scorched and Scrogged is by a special-guest lyricist Mr Morgue Whore MK I I I !
Excrement Consumption plans to resume recording music, just as soon as our mommy gives us a ride back from soccer practice.
Vman The Barbarian is no longer with us, he was asked to leave the band due to an incident with the lead singers' girlfriend ( he works at a snow-plowing company and accidentally plowed her cat ) Due to this vehement pussy-plowing, the lead vocalist had no choice but to kick Vman out, we wish him luck in his piece of shit gay black metal project - Kohl Konig.
.Here is what critics had to say.
honestly, i can't tell if you guys are a bunch of really talented people that are trying to be funny, or the worst band ever.
i am at a loss. the guitar and the way it's arranged is so unique, but it sucks.
and no offense or anything but those are the worst drums ever, and vocals are it's only rival. well, here's hoping you guys are out for a laugh and not a bunch of guys that are really pissed at me right about now.
I think their having a laugh, it sounds as if they can be really good the knowledge is there, but it has no rthym.
Where’s my bra?
-Vman’s sister.
We are being graciously supported through anal-rapture by the
Gore Sludge Promotion Label MySpace Page And you should have some shit-engorged Eclaire's while enjoying the sight of
Gore Sludge Promotion Official Website