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Provehito In Altum - Launch Forth Into The Deep
Subsisto Procul Nusquam - Stop At Nothing
In Omnia Paratus - Ready For Anything
30 Seconds To Mars - A Beautiful Lie
"It should not be believed that all beings exist for the sake of the existence of man. On the contrary, all the other beings too have been intended for their own sakes and not for the sake of something else."
I was born & raised in Cody, WY. Not much to do here at all, but it is beautiful and close to Yellowstone National Park. I am extremely shy, but can open up if you really want to get to know me. I'm much better at writing to people then talking to them directly. Guess I'm a little "weird" that way.
I am very in love with my Fiancée. I literally could not function without her love and unfortunately I know this from experience. She is my rock. She inspires me. Makes me want to be a better person. She is my beautiful, sexy fairy... she is my Baby Girl.
"...there will come a time in your life when you will become infatuated with a single soul. for this person you'd do anything and not think twice about it, but when you ask why, you have no answer. you'll try your whole life to understand how a single person can affect you as much as he or she does, but you'll never find out... and no matter how badly you hate it or how badly it hurts... you'll love this person without regret... for the rest of your life..."
One of my other passions is Animals. Especially wolves, polar bears, wild cats, domesticated cats & dogs. I have 4 cats now. I just took in my sister-in-laws cat. They are moving across country and can't take her, so I said I wanted to. They live outside of San Diego, in Santee right now, and they sent her to me by plane. I use to have two other cats, but they live with my parents now. Long story and I know I've already bored you! I also have 3 dogs. Two of them were my mothers at separate times and she decided she doesn't want a dog anymore (actually my dad did, so that's all it takes) and I took them in too.
I enjoy... make that can't live without music! What I enjoy are things like Dragons, Astronomy, Helicopters, Cars, Motorcycles, Guitars, Drums, PS2 (Lara Croft kicks ass!!!), Movies, Summertime, Nature, Astronomy, Storms (especially with Lightening & Thunder), Tornadoes, Sand Storms, Volcanoes, the Ocean, Huge Waves, California (mostly San Diego & The Redwoods), New York City, Asian styles/themes, almost anything pertaining to Ancient Egypt, and dinosaurs (T-Rex RULES).
And in case you couldn't tell... ^_^ ...I also very much believe in important issues like Animal Rights, Endangered Species, Global Warming, Deforestation, Poverty, and Abuse in any form towards any one or thing.
Some things I don't particularly like or just plain can't tolerate are mean people, low tolerance, close-minded, self righteous, judgmental, bull-shitters... well you get the gist I'm sure... wintertime (except I love Christmastime, but could do without the cold). Heights don't really agree with me but I seem to be oddly drawn to tall places & things. Mostly I don't like talking about myself and I have already said more than enough to put a T-Rex down for the night, so on to the cool and pretty things!