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Political junkie, skiing, reading, gardening with my daughter, history, teaching,pete seeger and arlo guthrie
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Interesting people with open minds, old friends, new friends, social activists, working men & women from anywhere, trade unionists, people who believe that informed reason should be applied at all times, and just about anybody who is NOT trying to direct to me their porn site or where I can get my free ipod.
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A little bit of everything. Beatles, Sinatra, any kind of Blues, a little jazz now and then, Johnny Cash, Some R&B, and we can't forget the Bastard Fairies.
Unions And The Law
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Hemingway, Faulkner, Henry Miller, Steinbeck, Anais Nin, Chaucer, a little Shakespear now and then, and so many more.p align="center"
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John F. Kennedy, Ghandi, Mother Jones, Molly Ivins, Che Guevera, Martin Luther King, Bill Maher, Hugh Hefner, Bill Moyers, Robert Kennedy, Thurgood Marshall, Earl Warren, John Edwards, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Karl Marx, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Caesar Chavez, A. Philip Randolf, Eugene Debs, Kurt Vennegut, And all of those who have done what they could to enlighten the world, to promote justice over injustice, to teach reason over faith, to teach equality over are my heroes..
Abraham, Martin, and John
If I had a Hammer - a tribute to Senator John Edwards