Social Justice - Human Rights - Good Government and A Fair Go for the people. Providing what the people want - Good Health - Housing - Transport - Education - Consumer protection - Personal Privacy Safeguards - Accountability. Mulitculturalism and true Democracy. Adding Colour and Personality to life itself. leading rather than just following.
People who appreciate Social Justice and Human Rights as well as Good Government. People who want to change things for the better and who are not afraid of stepping on a few toes to achieve that end result. people who stand up for the principles they believe in - rather than adjust their principles to suit the opinions of others. people who look forwards to the future - rather than backwards to the "good old days".
Opera - classicial - pop - modern - jazz - Anything with a good melody or beat.
History - World - Science and Technology - Comedy - Films about the Arts - Cultural Films - anything interesting and challenging
Don's Legacy is simply this - Rather than talk about things - Do things. Dame Roma Mitchell who became the first Australian Woman Supreme Court Judge in Australia under Don Dunstan said that Don Dunstan told her that "Equality would be his legacy". Don told her that Gifted People had an obligation to serve their community. People who take Political Risks for Principles which they believe in rather than simply adjust their Principles to suit opinion polls or others beliefs is what Don Dunstan stood for in Government. " I sought to persuade the electorate of my true beliefs - sometimes in the face of vocal opposition "